What are you doing/eating today? Monday!

Stephanie M.
on 2/24/13 11:23 pm - Los Angeles, CA

Morning all! 

Today is the first day back to routine after a long weekend (Thursday and Friday were snow days here in Missouri). However, we're suppose to get hit with a big storm again tomorrow, so we might only have this one day back in routine! Today is just like every other Monday though, workout, classes, and tutoring. 

Foods for today: 

Breakfast: Greek yogurt and protein powder muffin

Lunch: Chili with shredded cheese

Dinner: Turkey burger with slice of cheese and BBQ beans

Have a great day, all! 

on 2/24/13 11:40 pm - Glen Burnie, MD
RNY on 10/01/12 with

Good Morning,


Breakfast - Plan non-fat Greek Chobani yogurt with 1/2 serving of sliced almonds

Lunch - Baked chicken with spaghetti squash 

Dinner - ???? This thinking about it


Have a great day everyone




Megan S.
on 2/25/13 12:40 am - Baltimore, MD
RNY on 03/07/13

Day 5 of liquid diet....everyday is getting easier!

Stephanie M.
on 2/25/13 1:54 am - Los Angeles, CA

It definitely does get easier! Great job! The liquids are the hardest part! 

on 2/25/13 1:15 am - Quincy, MA

B: Protein coffee

S: 1 oz. 50% RF Cheddar, 1/2 C. Blueberries

L: 1/2 C. Tuna Salad w/ 1/2 serving baked lentil chips and 1 clementine orange

S: (maybe) 1/2 oz. Dry roasted peanuts and 1/2 Apple

D: Chicken sausage w/peppers and onions

Come visit me on my blog, Through a Cooking Glass! I talk about my journey through WLS and learning to live, cook, and eat on the other side.  


on 2/25/13 2:05 am

B: cup of yoplait greek yogurt with a scoop of protein mixed in

L: pouch of tuna creations Herb and garlic(I'm obsessed with these 110 cal and 16 gr of protein)

D: Boneless skinless chicken breast w/sauteed squash, zucchini and red onions

S: cup of sugar free jello

Neen L.
on 2/25/13 3:32 am - Arlington, VA

Happy Monday all!

I brought shortbread bars with homemade coconut caramel and chocolate in for my colleagues today and they were a big hit! Everyone I work with is so nice and I try to bake something for them at least once a week. It helps me get my "bake something with an obscene amount of butter" urges out without turning into a cookie monster.

It's a pretty standard day at the office. Working on budgets today so extra coffee is required. Here's the low-down on food:

Daytime: Coffee and water

Dinner/Snacks: Dinner is out with my husband and father-in-law tonight and we are going to Ted's. I like going there because they have bison burgers you can get on a whole wheat and oat bun or with no bread at all. I will probably not have as many of my usual snacks tonight. I like to err on the side of caution when we go out to eat because it is harder to guesstimate what I've eaten since I am not seeing the food be prepared. Still, there will likely be a late protein bar, some raw veggies, a fruit yogurt and maybe a small cookie.

Have a great day everyone!

Long-term post-ops with regain struggles, click here to see some steps for getting back on track (without the 5-day pouch fad or liquid diet): http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/bananafish711/blog/2013/04/05/don-t-panic--believe-and-you-will-succeed-/

Always cooking at www.neensnotes.com!

Need a pick-me-up? Read this: http://www.lettersofnote.com/2009/10/it-will-be-sunny-one-day.html

on 2/25/13 5:58 am - MN
RNY on 06/21/12

Went out and bought new glasses today. A friend helped me pick them out and they are totally cute. My slimmer face looks so much cuter in glasses than my pudgey face did! (I normally wear contacts but it will be nice to have cute glasses to wear occasionally). Then it was out to lunch with friends and tonight am doing a service project with my Moms group.

Breakfast: Protein shake

Lunch: Chicken schwarma meat with tomato & 1/2 pita with fat free ranch

Snack: Cashews

Supper: Tortilla chips with shredded chicken breast and shredded cheese (gets my nacho fix in but with lots of protein!)

Snacks: greek yogurt with fruit, some munchies while we are doing our service project.


Have to get back to the gym. Will someone PLEASE come DRAG ME THERE?! I have been queen of the excuses lately. Ugh.



HW: 270   SW: 245   CW: 172  GW: 160 then we'll see  



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