
on 2/20/13 9:58 am - CA
RNY on 03/04/13

Hey everyone,

Is there an easy way to search for posts in this forum? I am looking for some lists of things I should bring to the hospital with me / items I should buy that may be helpful post-surgery.  I know this question has been asked many times, I just don't know how to find them!

Thanks again!

on 2/20/13 11:35 am
The search function on OH isn't very good.

I'll share my experience. The things I used mostly and recommend bringing are chap stick, slippers, a pillow for the ride home. I also used my own tooth brush and tooth paste (some hospitals will provide these).

I brought my robe but didn't use it instead I put a hospital gown on backwards to walk the halls. Comfortable and I didn't have to worry in case I had any leakage from the incisions.

Bring something comfy to wear home. I didn't read not did I bring a laptop I know some do but when I was awake I was walking. I only spent one night in the hospital though so if your stay is longer you may want to bring something in case.
Good luck with your surgery.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


on 2/20/13 11:52 am - CA
RNY on 03/04/13

Thank you so much 

on 2/20/13 8:44 pm - NH

I agree with Cajungirl, the search function isn't real good and it is hard to find. I have used it and found what I wanted though. The search function is in the blue bar above and then you have to also specify that you want to search 'forums'. I wish that there were a choice to search a specific forum.

The only addition that I would make to what she already said is to bring a pair of lounge pants (sweats, pajama) to cover your butt while moving around. I didn't think of it but saw someone else wearing them and I was jealous!

Martha enlightened

High 250/Consult Weight 245/Surgery 205/Now 109
Height 5'4.5" BMI 18.4
In maintenance since June 2009

on 2/21/13 8:20 am - Canada
I just got home from my rny yesterday...

I brought pjs
Lip balm.
My own pillow
My cell phone.

Thats it.

Family Dr. 06/05/2012    Referral Received 06/28/2012 Orientation 08/01/2012   NP 08/27/2012
SW 08/28/2012              Nut Class 08/27/2012
NUT 10/01/2012              PS 10/01/2012
Surgeon Dr. Cyriac 12/07/2012  **SURGERY  JAN 30, 2013**



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