Heart attack at 42

on 1/24/13 6:40 am - FL

who has a heart attack at 42???  my beast friend had a heartattack sunday and has been on life support since ,  we were told today the he has brain damage and his liver and kidneys are failing...... no the family is trying to decide to turn off life support ;'o(


on 1/24/13 6:48 am - MO
RNY on 12/06/12

Wow that hits home....I just turned 42 last week.

I just got sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Jilly Bean
on 1/24/13 7:11 am - IN
RNY on 07/09/12

I had a friend come in from mowing the grass and drop dead from a heart attack.  He was thin and only 36.




Surgery weight:  232 lbs. / Goal: 145 lbs. Height:  5'5"     Fat? Ain't nobody got time for that.


Oxford Comma Hag
on 1/24/13 7:15 am

I am sorry to hear about your friend. Heart disease is very serious and doesn't only affect old and obese people.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255


on 1/24/13 7:38 am



on 1/24/13 7:55 am - OH
RNY on 03/12/13

My brother had a heart attack at 33.  Then another at 38.  Heart disease is awful.  It seems to be attacking younger and younger people.  I'm very sorry to hear about this.

        HW: 373 GW: 170 HT: 5'10"



Debbie W.
on 1/24/13 9:10 am
RNY on 12/11/12

I am so sorry......

So much is hereditary.  My husband never had enough good cholesterol (like his mom).  Our doctor is pro active and advised we both get a heart scan.  I passed with flying colors (I smoked 45 yrs until last Aug., and have been overweight last 18 yrs).  My husband is 6' and  190 and was called on the way home from test.  He had three blockages and the doctor said he was in the 10% that would have just had a heart attack with no warning.   He had triple bypass two years ago.  I highly recommend a baseline heart scan at 50 to everyone.  Hospitals often have specials.   We paid $125


on 1/24/13 9:39 am - NY

That's very sad. I had a heart attack at 42 it was a massive one and left me with a lot of muscle damage to the heart and I am lucky to be alive. Most likely if your friend was worked on and they tried to revive him for too long.......and finally got a heart beat this can happen. The brain is deprived of oxygen too long and if they get a heart beat, after a long period of trying to revive then the consequences can be brain damage. If his brain and now his other major organs are failing, he is in trouble. He won't recover and if he does, he will live a life with brain damage which could be a terrible thing for him. he could be in a vegetative state. Has he expressed his wishes about being kept on life support just in case this were ever to happen to him? My prayers are with his family and friends at this point. It is a very hard decision to make. 


on 1/24/13 10:28 am - Around Knoxville, TN
My daddy had his first at age 40; never fully recovered. Passed at age 55.

Be happy. 


on 1/24/13 10:47 am - MA

It happens. I had one at 48 but made a full recovery

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