
on 1/22/13 10:42 pm - NY

So I've been having issues with a lot of abdominal pain on my right side and lower back on the right side as well. Was being treated for an ulcer. The upper endoscopy showed no ulcers but the gall bladder ultrasound showed that I had polyps and this was my issue. So last Friday the doctor removed the gall bladder and while he was in there found another Petersons hernia and repaired that as well. I am currently about 1 year 6 months post RNY. Yes I'm down 170 pounds, no more high blood pressure, no sleep apnea, no arthritis. But I've experienced now 2 Petersons hernia, an ulcer, a bout with hypoglycemia, and the gall bladder issues and removal. Has anyone else gone through these things and will it ever end? Please let me know and what have you all done to stay positive. Any kind word?

Frustrated, surprise


on 1/22/13 10:56 pm - KY
RNY on 09/25/12

Still early out, but I will send good thoughts and prayers your way. 

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~ Dr. Seuss~
on 1/23/13 1:02 am - Midlothian, VA
RNY on 06/05/12

So sorry you are going through all of this.  Our new mantra is "I can do hard things."   You can handle anything that comes your way!  Just hang in there.

Friends in WLS




on 1/23/13 2:21 am - NH

Yeah, you have had a bumpy road! I think that it must have to smooth out for you now. I guess that is how we handle it. Looking ahead for that smooth patch....

Martha enlightened

High 250/Consult Weight 245/Surgery 205/Now 109
Height 5'4.5" BMI 18.4
In maintenance since June 2009

H.A.L.A B.
on 1/23/13 3:59 am

But I've experienced now 2 Petersons hernia, an ulcer, a bout with hypoglycemia, and the gall bladder issues and removal. Has anyone else gone through these things and will it ever end

You will learn to live with that.  RH - hypoglycemia - can be control by diet - some need it very strict - others - not as much. Hernia - I also had 2.  It can happen to anyone.  GB removal - you can live with that. Now - most likely your BM will change - so you will need to adjust over time.

It gets better, then worse, and so on.

Ulcers - can happen anytime - absolutely no NSAIDS.  Even 1-2 can trigger one in me. Not too much acidic foods - too much tomato sauce and I usually start hurting.  Keep omeprozole and carafate in your house and use anytime you feel like you have acid rebound ( I woke up a couple of nights ago with acid taste - so I took 2 in a middle of the coat my pouch. then took some in the morning and make sure I am really gentle with the pouch for a few days. 

RH - diet   - a few times you get really low BS - hopefully will teach you what you can - cant do. The carbs and sugars affect me the worse in the morning, and I can tolerate much more in a middle of the day snack - mid afternoon if I had good foods during the day before that... (breakfast, lunch, etc)



Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 1/23/13 4:46 am - NY

The BM haven't been regular since surgery. Seems like I have one maybe every three days. I have plenty of carafate and protonix around the house.  The hypoglycemia has gotten better. Is there any special jet you follow after having the gall bladder out? I asked my surgeon he said whatever I can tolerate. Just wondering.

H.A.L.A B.
on 1/23/13 4:58 am

BM every 3 days...I would be in real pain if i had that. I had to have at least one a day.

Post op GB removal - initially it was really like starting over...  Just take it easy and start with fats rather slowly, same with any raw veggies, or anything that may be hard to digest (cabbage, beans, fry foods) . 

As for BM - initially after GB removal I had more runs... but as time went by - I am dealing with constipation and "gray poop" - indication of low level of bile... Bile turn the BM dark...and it is irritant and stimulates peristalsis... (as far as I know - check that). With low bile - I think my system slows down a lot over time...  And more surgeries - more possibility of adhesions... (any abdominal surgery may promote adhesions forming)

I do have issues with digesting some foods, raw veggies, etc.  It is very individual. My sister had her GB removed and she can't tolerate some foods that I have no problem with, and she gets more runs than constipation... so it is very individual.


Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

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