on 12/28/12 11:42 pm - FL

I have been having really bad neck, shoulder and back problems and went to a spine doctor, the spine doctor would not prescribe me anything without hearing from my surgeon as to what i can and cannot take....... the surgeon told them as far as they were concerned i could take any pain killers (i would assume that includes NSAID's)???????????

on 12/28/12 11:47 pm - Quincy, MA

I would call your surgeon and double check that information. I've been told in no uncertain terms that NSAIDs are OUT for the rest of my life (unless delivered via IV). The reasoning my surgeon gave me is that they tend to promote bleeding ulcers in the pouch.

Come visit me on my blog, Through a Cooking Glass! I talk about my journey through WLS and learning to live, cook, and eat on the other side.  


on 12/29/12 4:57 am - OH
On December 29, 2012 at 7:47 AM Pacific Time, RebeccaElise wrote:

I would call your surgeon and double check that information. I've been told in no uncertain terms that NSAIDs are OUT for the rest of my life (unless delivered via IV). The reasoning my surgeon gave me is that they tend to promote bleeding ulcers in the pouch.

NSAIDS have the same effect no matter how you take them.  Taking them by IV is just as dangerous as taking them by oral tablet, liquid, injection or patch.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 12/28/12 11:55 pm - OH

Your surgeon should have told them NO NSAIDs because of the risk of ulcers, both in the pouch and in the blind remnant stomach. My guess is that whoever they talked to at the surgeon's office was NOT someone familiar with the issue.  Call them yourself and ask to speak to the surgeon, a Physician Assistant, or a nurse, and explain that they need to let the other doctor know that NSAIDs are unacceptable (although some doctors say they are ok for short term IF you also take a PPI to help protect your pouch and stomach).


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 12/28/12 11:56 pm - MI

My surgeon says to avoid NSAID's at all costs.  If they are absolutely necessary to take a Previcid  OTC 30 minutes before I take any NSAID's.  I would check with your surgeon first before you take any chances!  Hope you feel better soon!

on 12/29/12 12:03 am - IN
RNY on 10/01/12

My bariatric doc said no NSAIDS at all...even for a short time.

on 12/29/12 12:09 am - FL

It was the nurse at the surgeons office that said i could take anything??!?!?!  kinda scary 

on 12/29/12 12:25 am

No NSAIDS ever.  No matter how you take them, they go into the bloodstream and that's was can cause ulcers.  Ulcers can occur without you knowing you have them and can only be detected by surgery to actually look inside the blind stomach. 

Too much of a risk, in my opinion.


on 12/29/12 1:35 am
RNY on 11/06/12

I was told not to take NSAIDs at all, and even to wear a medic alert bracelet to say no NSAIDs or blind NG tubes.



on 12/29/12 3:17 am - MI

I am going through the same thing.  I take an adult aspirin every day due to three heart attacks quite a few years ago requiring stenting in larger arteries.  My cardiologist wants me to stay on aspirin through surgery and forever.  My bariatric surgeon says absolutely not through surgery and it would be my decision to take an aspirin w/prilosec forever but he is against it.  I do not want an ulcer or a heart attack.  I am going to go off the aspirin before surgery when they give me a date after I have the thyroid level under control and I think I will talk with m cardiologist and see if he can give me something (other than Plavix that I cannot afford even the co-pay) that will be as effective.  Perhaps if he sees that I am losing weight and am eating better, my risks might be lessened.  Decisions, decisions, decisions!  Ack!

  Blessings,   Lynn    

Band to RnY - 3/13/13

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