Can you recommend a drug for stress please...

on 12/27/12 11:00 am - FL

I have been at my company for 10 years and really use to love my job and the company I worked for; however, 18 months ago we were sold and I have come to really despise my job under the new ownership.  As in seriously despise it... 

Like most companies today, the motto where I work is do more with less and, as a salaried Manager, it is expected that I work whatever hours I need to in order to get the job done, and the job just keeps increasing day by day.

My workload is absolutely astronomical, and there is no way one person can get it all done, and as a result I am finding myself becoming increasingly more and more stressed, to the point where I really fear I am going to say or do something that is going to get me fired.

I have spoken to my boss about the workload, and he is very aware that it's too much, but the owner of the company is just one of those Bill Gates visionary types who shoots off one idea after another, merely expecting everyone to just meet all the additional workload without additional head-count.

Anyhow, you may be thinking, well just go get another job, which I would do, except we're getting ready to leave this area within the next 12 months, so trying to find a job that pays what mine does in an area that is severely job depressed is simply not very realistic when I know I'm going to be leaving soon.

Anyhow, today I actually thought I was going to have a meltdown at work so made the decision that I really needed to speak to my doctor about putting me on something that might mellow me out until such time as I can get the hell out of here.

I absolutely cannot believe that I am in a frame of mind where I actually feel I need drugs to function, but the facts are that I cannot continue to function in the pressure cooker I am working in without something to alleviate the stress.  In addition, it's beginning to take a toll on my home life as well. I feel like I do little more than ***** about how miserable I am...

Anyhow, as I have never been one to use any sort of medications for anxiety or stress, I'm asking for suggestions I could bring to my doctor.

I don't want to be "stoned."  I just need a little something to take the edge off if there is such a thing.

Thanking you in advance for any suggestions!!!



on 12/27/12 11:16 am - Citrus Heights, CA
RNY on 04/04/12


Sounds like things totally suck at work. Instead of something for immediate stress , it sounds like you may need an antidepressant for continual stress , I have been successful on prozac years ago and am now on welbutrin 100 , 3 x a day it is the only one that is not time released.

I would talk to your doctor and see what he/she says.

Best wishes , I really hope things can turn around at work for you !!

Donna Q. --5'8" -60 years old
Band 2005
hw320 sw276 lw with band 195 gw 160-180? 
Bypass 4/4/2012
pre sw 258 lw RNY 162 cw 203

on 12/27/12 7:33 pm - FL

You're right Donna, I do feel "stuck," which I believe is adding to the anxiety and stress.

If we were not going to be moving, I would be looking for a new job, knowing that there is something out there, I just have to find it.  But I figure by the time I could actually find something, we're going to be pulling the plug here, so what's the point?  In addition, my professional principals simply won't allow me to take a job when I know I'm going to be leaving so soon.

Anyhow, thank you so much for your suggestions as they are so much appreciated. 

on 12/27/12 11:17 am - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12

I've not taken meds but have a job situation that like you, is less than pleasant most days and I've wanted to storm out more in the last year than I could have imagined. I love many aspects of it but there are parts that ugh let's just say I feel your pain. I ended up going back to therapy for it and it's working for me. I've seen my therapist off and on though for over 20 years and he has me figured out pretty well now. Now I go in and am able to do my job to the best of my abilities and to hell with any of them attitude that has saved my sanity. My mother on the other hand had horrible stress at her job that therapy did not help and took xanax for years until she retired. Your doctor should be able to advise you what would best suit you.

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5' 3" - HW: 244 SW:234  GW:120 LW: 107 CW:110 Made goal 3/16/13!    

on 12/27/12 7:47 pm - FL

I agree that therapy would be a huge benefit most likely, and I have considered it.  However, believe it or not, when I've thought about going this has brought on additional anxiety because my workload is so overwhelming that trying to find the additional hours in my schedule to make a therapist appointment each week causes me to push the thought out of my mind.

I am a huge fan of therapy, and have spent many years under the guidance of a number of therapists, so I'm sure it would help, but right now, under my immediate cir****tances, I just don't see this as a real viable option; however, it may come down to the fact that I may not have a choice because God knows I cannot to live under this stress.

Thank you for taking the time you have to share your thoughts...

on 12/27/12 11:27 am

Get into therapy if you aren't already.  I have taken anti-depressants, anti-psychotics and anti-anxiety meds in the past.  All they really did for me was make me live in a fog and dull my senses.  I was mis-diagnosed with a mental health illness for many years (12) and on psychiatric medications for that length of time.  I made the decision this year to get off my meds (under my doctor's supervision) and successfully did so.  I now seek out ways to deal with the root of my emotions/stress and how I react to them.  This is very hard to do and I'm still looking for healthy ways to deal with my emotions/stress. 

I would ask your doctor the risks/benefits of psychiatric medications and make your decision based on your own quality of life.  A short-term trial of meds might be in order, just educate yourself and take them in conjunction with talk therapy.

Good luck!


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 12/27/12 11:35 am - OH

I am in a somewhat similar situation with my primary job (plus the added stress of working on my dissertation), so I definitely understand what it is like to hate your job and feel completely taken advantage of, and to be stuck because of the economy.

Most anxiolytics are VERY habit forming (and very difficult to stop taking), so you will probably want to discuss with your doctor an anti-depressant that also addresses anxiety (without being a habit forming benzodiazepine).  Paxil is probably the most widely prescribed and does a better job with anxiety than most SSRIs.  (Paxil is fequently prescribed for social anxiety and recurrent panic attacks,). Prozac is also good for combination depression and anxiety.  The drawback to Paxil is that you CANNOT abruptly stop taking it because it can result in pretty significant withdrawal symptoms.  You must gradually reduce the dosage.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

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on 12/27/12 7:51 pm - FL


I'm running but wanted to first take a few moments to thank you for your kind response.

I so admire your thought processes, as well as all the time you take to help others, so wanted to just say thank you for being there, not just for me, but for all of us.

I will print out your suggestion and take it with me to my PCP.

Again, thank you... 

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 12/27/12 10:01 pm - OH

Thanks for the kind words!  Glad I can help. (Contrary to what my mother often thinks, it turns out that a PhD is sometimes useful (I took a psycho-pharmacology class in addition to my experience with my clients, most of whom take some kind of medication!)  I hope you are able to find something to help.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Carol S.
on 12/27/12 12:17 pm - Milwaukee, WI

I take a large dose of B6-it's not really a medication but it works for me. 

Workout out helps me a lot too.

Yoga, meditation, etc?  


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