Drinking alcohol?

on 11/26/12 10:07 am
RNY on 03/13/12

Well I'm soon to be 9 months out of surgery and I havent drank any alcohol since before surgery. I know my surgeon said to refrain away from alcohol for at least 11 months and I've done it so far. When did some of you start drinking. I know a person who is 2 months out and shes all ready drinking about 5 beers a night!!!!   So yes I have been doing research and know the high rate of becoming an alcoholic. I think I should start drinking when I'm ready that is my point. 

on 11/26/12 10:12 am

I didnt have anything until my 2 year mark and that was the night before my wedding.  What you need to remember is that alcohol is made of sugar and empty calories.  Personally, I'd wait until you're at goal and holding well.  You start throwing alcohol (sugar) in there and you might start a dumping war amongst other things. 

Everyone is going to drink when they're ready regardless of what their surgeon says.  Just make sure you ARE ready. Honestly, if you're craving alcohol and a good time partying then I don't think you're ready. If you're craving the taste, remember that there are non alcoholic drinks you can order. If you do drink I'd suggest trying it at home first until you know how you react.  I had mine while I was out but the person who took me knew the ins and outs of my bypass and knew exactly what to do incase I passed out or started dumping.

All I'm saying is whatever you choose; please be careful ^_^ everything in moderation!


RNY - August 13, 2010

LBL - October 29, 2012

 a total of 271 lbs lost!!

on 11/26/12 10:13 am
RNY on 08/27/12

I would do as the surgeon suggest. I was told that it usually only takes a few drinks and we get drunk but it doesnt last a long time. I know that the xanax  that I take to sleep starts working a lot faster than it used to. We have to watch the calories also, they can add up very fast with alcohol.

on 11/26/12 11:35 am - PA
RNY on 08/06/12
I have had 3 drinks since my surgery. Well I guess I should say tastes of alcohol since my surgery and I'm not even 4 months out. My first was a 1/4 cup of wine. Gave me dumping and did get "tipsy". Second and third where pumpkin martinis (different days). Took me about 30 minutes to drink them and didn't feel anything. They were all at social events and didn't really enjoy them. I'd be fine not drinking again.


on 11/26/12 12:35 pm - Sacramento, CA
My first drink was at six months out. I felt fine. But at 8 months I had a drink and ended up in the ER. It raised my liver enzymes and my blood pressure dropped and I just felt sick. It hurt my stomach. I won't touch it again. It felt like it ripped my pouch in half.

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



on 11/26/12 1:33 pm
RNY on 06/18/12
I am 6 1/2 months out and had about 4 ounces of wine last weekend. I can say that any more and I would have felt tipsy. 5 beers a night is too much for anyone not just those having RNY.
on 11/26/12 2:28 pm - Redwood City, CA
RNY on 04/02/12

I have drank alcohol 3 times since I was 4 months out in social situations. However, I babysit my drinks so it takes me about a least an hour or more just sipping to finish my drink. (I drink cognac straight) What I did change is that I no longer chase it with beer like I used to. I had no ill effects, did not get tipsy and it was ok with my surgeon.

Kelly L.
on 11/26/12 7:47 pm - San Jacinto, CA
I'm a little over a year out.. I think I have had three or four drinks. I tried a beer ( used to love Blue Moon) it didn't go well. I have had a skinny margarita at dinner in a very nice seafood place, it was good, didn't get me drunk although I nursed that sucker for a long time. Last month my hubby and I had a getaway weekend and I had my favorite drink a Manhattan.. Again, I nursed the drink for a while. This weekend I had another while in my home, I felt that one! I have never been a big drinker so, I feel like if I'm having a few drinks a year it should be ok.. Now, a few drinks a week... I might feel a little differently lol.


  HW 274. CW 129

LaToya N.
on 11/26/12 7:48 pm, edited 11/26/12 7:49 pm - MD
RNY on 11/19/12

5 beers a night sounds like an alcoholic to me.  My husband is a healthcare provider and he along with my doctor gave me the low down about alcohol and gastric bypass surgery.  The surgery itself puts us at higher risk for ulcers.  The acid in most alcoholic beverages will spike the risk for ulcers.  Also, the way our bodies metabilize alcohol post surgery increases the chances of liver failure and hepatitis.  Ask yourself is alcohol really that important to you?  

on 11/26/12 9:45 pm
RNY on 03/13/12
I said the same thing about the 5 beers a night. That is my friend who had surgery in September I don't drink beer and haven't touched alcohol but sometimes at a social event or for a dinner I wonder if I should have one drink maybe. I don't though all the sugar scares me even though I don't dump.
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