Wendy's chili in pureed stage?

on 11/26/12 6:03 pm - OH
hi Everyone. I'm hoping you can help me with a problem I am having. I had RNY on 10/31/12 (4 Weeks ago). I have been having intense intermittent pain on my left side. the only thing that I have done different since the pain began is having some portions of Wendy's chili. I stick to my eating plan rules, whi*****lude pureed, four ounce portions, and sometimes I melt a little cheese on top or put a little fat free sour cream. I'm wondering if this is causing gas pain? digestive pain? if so, it would make me very sad because I enjoy eating this more qthan anything. I do confess to having it for consecutive meals and snacks during the day. Maybe I'm just over doing it? maybe it's that the ground beef is too hard on my system to digest even though I puree it to death?the pain is hard to describe and is strictly confined to my left side, left of my furthest incision. At times it seems muscular and intensifies with movement or bending... When I started typing this message it was intense and now barely noticeable. Maybe I am having too much? Maybe it is too greasy? If gas pain I guess I thought it would be more centered in my body? I don't kno why ... maybe that is dumb. Ok, if gas pain, what have you taken? Any other ideas? Have surgical follow-up and see NUT Thurs and will be sure to ask. Will stop chili until I see them to see if pain stops too.

Height:  5' 2"      HW: 322 (7/31/12)     SW: 292 (10/31/12)     Current:  220 (3/20/13)


on 11/26/12 7:22 pm

I would call the APN at the surgeon`s office to discuss the pain.  Pain that is new should never be ignored.  The nurse can give you direction accordingly.



(deactivated member)
on 11/26/12 7:23 pm
RNY on 08/31/12

Stopping the chili is the first step and if it goes away I think you have your answer. Gas pains can extend a ways and it could be stretched abdominal muscles and/or walls from the surgery. It might not be bad to stop the chili for awhile because it is easy to get tired of something if you eat it too much. That happened to me. I would be going strong with one type of food and then, poof, just like that, I would look at it and think, "ugh!," and not touch it again. It's weird but its happened with several favorite foods.

on 11/26/12 8:15 pm

Always check with your surgeon.  Often RNY patients have pain on thier left side around the incision where the camera was inserted for the surgery.  That was where most of my post-op pain was located.



on 11/26/12 9:05 pm

That sounds like left port incision pain to me (check with a nurse/doc at your surgeon's practice to be certain).  This was where the most of my pain was for me after RNY and for me it didn't dissipate completely until 6 weeks post-op.  It felt like a sharp 'stitch' after running.  The muscles in this area take a long time to heal.



on 11/26/12 9:16 pm - PA
RNY on 08/06/12

I Had a bad pain on my left side and it turned out to be a torn muscle, took 4 wks to finally go away. Call your Surgeon and see what he/she says.

Good Luck, I hope you figure it out.


on 11/27/12 12:48 am - Stevens Point, WI
RNY on 10/31/12

I had surgery on the same day as you, and I have the same pain, both on the left side, and the right side.  My surgeon said not to worry about it; that it was just the muscles healing.  I know that all surgeons have different plans, but my plan specifically says to stay away from "gastric irritants" such as chili powder, pepper, or hot sauce for two full months.  (but MAN, does Wendy's chili sound yummy right now!!)

Lisa K
Post-op RNY - 10/31/2012


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