For those who are about to have surgery (or just had it)...

on 11/3/12 4:07 am

Because I am anal, I kept a journal of food, meds etc when I first came home from the hospital.  I was fascinated reading it (a year later) and thought it might benefit some of you who are wondering "what is normal?" or "what to expect"? 

Not that I am normal of course, and my surgeon's food plan may not be anything like your surgeons (and I am pretty sure I didn't eat or drink enough due to not being hungry or thirsty)... but again, it's an idea for ya'll.

FYI, no I didn't drink enough (I still don't)... but I assume I drank more than I logged, or I'd be dead now... I ate a lot of sugar free popsicles too.


Wed 11/26 (first day home)

4pm took Vicodin

6:30pm vitamin, D3, B-12, Lovenox shot

9pm Famotidine, popsicle

9:30pm 2 vicodin


Thu 11-27

5am 2 Vicodin

9am Vitamins, Lovenox shot, 2 Vicodin, Protein shake (no I don't remember which brand, sorry)

2pm vitamin, Klor-con (hated that stuff), 2 Vicodin

7:30pm 2 Vicodin, Famotidine, 3 tbs egg salad (pureed)


Fri 11-28

8am 2 Vicodin

Noon vitamins, popsicle, shake

1:30pm 2 vicodin

6pm 2 vicodin, famotidine, 2 tbs cottage cheese smooshed

730pm Lovenox

9pm shake, vitamin

11pm 2 vicodin


sat 11/29

8am 2 vicodin

1pm popsicle, shake

130pm vitamins

3pm 1.5 vicodin (I was starting to cut back so I could drive to work Monday)

5:30pm 1.5 tbsp chicken salad pureed

6:30pm 1 tbsp cottage cheese

7:40pm vitamins

9pm 1.5 vicodin, 1 shake

Also on this day I reported 8 out of 10 pain Left Upper Quadrant of abdomen most of the day when moving, 4/10 when still.


Sun 10/30

8am 1.5 vicodin, 16 oz water

1pm 2 tbs egg salad pureed

4pm vitamins, famotidine, shake,

8pm 1 tbsp cottage cheese

10pm 1 popsicle

Pain now 6 out of 10, Left Upper quatrant, Middle upper quadrant


Mon 10/31 (back to work for a few hours)

7am vitamins

11am jello

1pm cottage cheese

4pm Klor-con (I hated the taste and took it only intermittantly, I was a bad girl)

6pm 4oz water

10pm 20 oz vitamin water zero, vitamins, 1 vicodin, popsicle

Also reported I took one test-bite of a sausage well chewed, with no problems (yes that was cheating, fyi.  Don't cheat.).

Stinging pain intermittent under left breast.


Tue 11/1 (worked 8 hours)

I report being sore but not bad.  Also I report real poo for the first time!

9am half a vitamin water

1030am vitamins, gerber beef (yuck, wouldn't recommend baby food, but a neighbor gave it to me so I thought I'd try it)

12pm Atkins shake

4pm chicken salad mixed with cottage cheese (2 tbsp)

6pm iced tea no sugar

1030pm vitamins, 1 vicodin.

Bad allergies too, sneezing made my abdomen felt like it was going to explode!


wed 11/2

Napped until noon, probably did too much monday and tuesday.  Real poo again!

8am popsicle

1pm atkins shake, vitamins

3pm vitamin water zero 20oz

4:30pm chicken salad/cottage cheese combo (it was rapidly becoming my fav go-to food, with full-fat cottage cheese and full-fat mayo fyi... I never watched fat intake, and still don't... just sugar and carbs)

8pm propel zero

9:30pm vitamins

11pm 2 popsicles, cottage cheese

Also I report that I went to Whole Foods at 3pm, felt woozy with skin tenting and dry lips, had to crack open a bottled water before even paying for it.


Thu 11-3

7am vitamins

8am shake (2 scoops powder, dont remember what brand, I was still shopping around for stuff that I liked)

12pm vitamins, chicken/cc combo

1230pm propel zero,

5pm vitamin water zero

8pm jello sugar free

10pm vitamins, potted beef (another disgusting experiment, yuck)\

I also reported that I swallowed a vitamin too soon before chewing it up, felt like I was having a heart attack for 2 hours.


Fri 11/4

9am cottage cheese

11am atkins shake

1pm vitamin water zero

5pm vitamins, atkins shake

6pm I reported accidentally popping a piece of potato in my mouth while cooking the kids dinner (force of ha*****ad bad diarrhea shortly afterwards

8pm beef broth

1045 potted meat, popsicle


And then after that my journal becomes more and more sparse.  I think the lesson I want to leave with this though it that it will take time, and experimentation, to find out what makes your pouch happy.  I was eating and drinking nowhere near enough for quite some time... but I didn't panic, just tried adding where I could and when I could...


Hope this helps someone,



Highest weight: 340
Surgery weight: 313
Surgery date: 10/24/11
Current weight 170... 170 pounds lost!!!!

I am not a doctor, but I play one at work.

Victoria A.
on 11/3/12 7:18 am - MI
RNY on 10/29/12

Thank you, thank you, and thank you!!!! I have been having the worst time getting in all these fluids and protein! I did finally get 1 16oz protein shake, 8oz of Unjury chicken soup and 16 oz of water today. I am now eating a couple of bites of yogurt, so I don't think I am doing that bad. Again thanks for the info:)

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