3 month dr appt & nsv

on 10/31/12 2:33 am - OH
Just got back from my check up and everything is wonderful! I'm down exactly 100 lbs, and 5 pant! sizes! I have never felt so sexy in my life. This morning when I woke up I noticed that my husbands side of the bed had a sunken in spot and mine didn't. I finally weigh less than him!
on 10/31/12 2:46 am - CA
RNY on 03/04/13

Wow, congrats on your success! What kind of exercises are you doing? I'm still pre-op but im trying to get as much information as possible :)

on 10/31/12 4:10 am - Central, IL
RNY on 12/03/12

That is AMAZING!! Congrats!


on 10/31/12 4:11 am - UT
RNY on 09/05/12


  I believe in me...the best is yet to be!                        
on 10/31/12 6:14 am - Crandall, TX
RNY on 09/18/12

WOW! That is amazing weight loss! CONGRATS!

Please, do share your workout regimen if you have one.

on 10/31/12 9:19 am - OH
Thanks everybody! I don't really have a workout regime. I use a dyna band, chase my very active 2 year old boy and go on 2 mile hikes 3 times a week. I'm more tired playing with my son than doing anything else!
Amanda M.
on 10/31/12 1:27 pm
RNY on 01/18/13
100 Pounds in just 3 months?! Holy smokes! Congratulations and kudos to you!
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