I'm glad I waited.

on 10/24/12 11:08 am - Parkton, MD
I have read a lot of posts that say that they are extremely happy that they had surgery and that the only regret is that they didn’t have the surgery sooner. I’m now about 15 months out and have to say I don’t regret waiting. I think I would not have been ready to go through all these changes sooner than now. I think of all the differences that I am experiencing now and I don’t think I could have done this before now. One thing for example…I never drank a lot but I did want to go out when I wanted to and have drinks when I wanted. It was social.  My husband got diabetes and gave up drinking except for rare instances so our lifestyle changed. I adjusted and didn’t miss it. We developed new social things. I think if I had had this surgery earlier, I may have resented the changes that I’ve made. I think I would have been more likely to sabotage.  So all in all - waiting was a good thing.
HW 357 SW 341   
on 10/24/12 11:42 am - NC
I agree with you. I had to come to the place where I didn't care about the things I would miss anymore. I was desperate for change. It really would have been harder before. At that time I was happy being fat. I don't regret the surgery one minute, but I would not have been successful if I had had it years earlier.


HW 225, SW 219, GW 140, CW 124

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!  

on 10/24/12 12:35 pm - CA
I agree 100%!
on 10/24/12 1:03 pm
I also agree. I first looked into surgery in late 2000, early 2001 and my insurance at that time included it as a benefit. I wasn't ready for the lifestyle change. Fast forward to 2004 when I felt ready and guess what, iron clad WLS exclusion. I ended up paying cash and having surgery anyway I knew it was time for me.

So although it may have been nice to experience my younger years at a smaller size/weight I do believe my success would have been less steller.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 10/24/12 1:10 pm - OH
I looked into surgery (but my insurance at the time wouldn't cover it) about a year and a half before I eventually had surgery. Although I was disappointed that I couldn't do it the first time around, I was more committed to doing whatever it took to get to, and maintain, a healthy weight by the time I did have the surgery. That 18 months gave me the chance to prepare myself for really changing my lifestyle, to realize that I really WAS headed for some significant medical issues (in addition to the ones I already had) if I didn't get the weight off (they were no longer just "possibilities"), and to realize that I needed to treat my body better and with more kindness. It also gave me extra time in counseling to work through some of the psychological and emotional issues that contributed to my obesity.

I'm sure I could have lost the weight if I had it done 18 months earlier, but I think I might have struggled to maintain the loss.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 10/24/12 8:20 pm
I believe things happen for a reason, and things worked out well for you. 

Trish C.
on 10/24/12 9:36 pm - Waynesburg, PA
RNY on 10/11/12
I agree as well. I looked into RNY when my BF had it done in 2004. Then I thought, I will not do this to myself, I love food too much. Over the years, I tried to change my habits as I watched my BF lose about 300 lbs and then he lost his way and started drinking and slowly undid everything he worked so hard for. Then I really was scared that if I had done it, we both would have sabatoged our accomplishments. Now, fast forward 8 years and I am mentally in a much better place and feel like a much stronger person. Here I am 2 weeks out and so happy that I waited until I was mentally ready.
HW 365   SW 317
Laura in Texas
on 10/24/12 11:16 pm
Me, too. I am actually thankful for the events that happened in my life when I was obese. They helped create the person I am today and I think I am pretty wonderful. I did not find a husband during that period and went on to adopt my amazing children. Also, by the time I did lose the weight, the love of my life had just gotten a divorce. so I believe there was definitely devine intervention.

For me, everything happened at just the perfect time.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 10/25/12 12:17 pm - Parkton, MD

Thanks folks for responding.  It is nice to know others feel the same and had to go through 'life' before being ready.

HW 357 SW 341   
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