Chronic constipation?

on 10/15/12 1:04 am - Reisterstown, MD
RNY on 07/31/12
Hey all! It's been a while since I've posted, but I've just been pretty down lately and been pretty busy with having a wedding and all. :)

But I wanted to ask you a quick question. I've been constipated pretty much daily for the last few weeks. My fluid levels are up where they should be and my solid foods are few and far between. I started my iron chew a few weeks ago and I know iron can cause constipation, I had a huge issue with it when I was a baby until my doctor changed my formula to an iron-free. I've emailed my dietitian about this and she said to take the iron only every other day. That's all well and good, but it isn't helping yet. I tried milk of magnesia a few days ago and it did help a little, but not at all anymore. I've done the colace daily before and that did nothing. So, I'm really at a loss. Without getting too graphic, I'm pretty much in tears once a day minimum.

Any suggestions at all? I had a similar issue in March, before my surgery (I know the cause. I was in a different country, drank very little water and a ton of caffeine, etc) and ended up in the ER for TWO enemas that didn't work. The only thing that helped was a bottle a day for four days of magnesium citrate. I don't want to have to go that route again, it was the worst experience of my life. :(

on 10/15/12 1:16 am - TN
 I do miralax everyday still. I am 8 months out. Miralax takes a bit at first to work, but it keeps me regular as long as I use it daily. Have you tried to add more fiber into your diet? 
on 10/15/12 1:28 am - Reisterstown, MD
RNY on 07/31/12
I stopped the Miralax a while back because I wasn't having the issue for a long time. Completely forgot about it. I'll definitely start that up again today. Not really getting much fiber, but I don't eat much at all. Still having some digestion issues with all meats, so I get my protein from liquids all day. By the time I get enough protein, I'm just in no way able to eat anything with fiber in it. But I will definitely start that to prevent this in the future.

Any suggestions to help like, ASAP?? Lol. Thanks for your help and reminding me about miralax!

on 10/15/12 1:31 am - TX
RNY on 01/24/13
Our family tried and true remedy is prune juice with the pulp included in the bottle. My Mom (91 years old) just used this yesterday after wasting time and money on other stuff. My 93 year old Dad's neurologist recommended he try it. Don't drink too much! He drank about 6 ozs his first time and almost couldn't make it to the bathroom in time - but at 93 he is not speedy. It must be with pulp. I guess the pulp is the magic ingredient. A shot of this and you should stay home a while We had a family birthday luncheon yesterday and Mom said she sure was glad she stayed home because of the prune action. Good luck. I know it is a miserable feeling and just not good for you.
on 10/15/12 1:36 am
RNY on 09/17/12
Well, I was going to suggest an enema but I see that didn't help you a while back. I had a problem over the weekend and did one...worked like a charm.  I will tell you that now I'm having the opposite problem and I think it's because I've been drinking caffieneted coffee every morning for a several days.  I didn't really give it a big thought...everytime I go out to get coffee I get decaf, but only had caffiene at home.  I now know why they say decaf!!!  Maybe you could try that now that your stomach is different. 

Congrats on your marriage!!!!

HW: 260 SW: 254 DOS:227 CW: 175   27lbs lost before surgery

on 10/15/12 1:40 am - Reisterstown, MD
RNY on 07/31/12
Definitely buying prune juice now! I'll try anything at this point. Thanks you guys. I appreciate the help.

on 10/15/12 2:23 am, edited 10/15/12 3:08 am
I'm two years out and suffer from constipation. One time I took two suppositories and an enema and still nothing.

My Dr. suggested RestoraLAX or LAX-A-Day.

The active ingredient is Polyethylene Glycol 3350. It makes your stool soft and easy to pass. It is also supposed to be non-habit forming.  

I was so bad my Dr. told me to take the daily dose once an hour. It worked!

For me prune juice did nothing and I've been taking colace every day for the past two years.
on 10/15/12 3:13 am - MD
DS on 03/19/12
Polyethylene Glycol is Miralax.
DS with Toon Sonneville 3/19/12
on 10/17/12 10:30 pm
I didn't know that ...thanks.

on 10/15/12 2:25 am - MI
RNY on 05/09/12
I was having the same issue.  I was told to take Colace.  I was taking 2 per day and that got things moving.  Maybe you need it twice a day as well?

Surgery: 5/9/12              HW: 302           SW:  287.6        CW:  158

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