Anybody else experience these feelings right before surgery?

on 8/24/12 4:51 pm - NC
Anybody have these feelings right before surgery?

I have always been a pretty much outgoing person. Altho I have been heavy since childhood I never got depressed and was always very social. But it seems now with my surgery closely approaching I dont want to see anyone or go anywhere until after I start losing the weight. Its like I can taste being thin now and I dont want to even be seen in this body anymore. I also have this anxiety which I have never had before thinking that some crazy thing is gonna happen to keep me from being able to have my surgery and I will be stuck in this body which terrifies me. I was just wondering if any other pre-ops go thru these emotional changes?
on 8/24/12 5:00 pm - CO
RNY on 07/16/12

I was the same way.  Always overweight, but always a happy bubbly person.  I too didn't want anyone to see me before surgery.  I would make excuses not to go to parties or dinner.  I wanted to START LOSING already!!!  I want people to see me smaller.  Even now that I'm a basically a month & a half out, I see myself making excuses instead of going out until I'm smaller.  Kinda dumb, but I can't wait for people to see ME!   Not the fat that I've worn my whole life.  See my personality that's hidden behind the weight.

You're gonna have the surgery and you're going to lose it.  Have faith.  Anxiety is a normal feeling when it comes to this surgery. 

You're gonna rock it!

on 8/24/12 6:14 pm - Ottawa, ON, Canada
I also have this anxiety which I have never had before thinking that some crazy thing is gonna happen to keep me from being able to have my surgery and I will be stuck in this body which terrifies me. I was just wondering if any other pre-ops go thru these emotional changes?

I can relate to this anxiety -- I'm still not through the approval process (I am awaiting the results of a cardiac CT scan), and while I know that it's highly likely I will be fine, I'm still worried that this is the body that I'm going to be stuck in for the rest of my life.  It feels horrible.

Chins up -- we shall overcome.


Referral - March 2011 // Orientation - Ottawa - July 8, 2011 // Surgery - January 23, 2013

on 8/24/12 7:09 pm
It must be common to have some fear and anxiety. I am also still going through the approval process, but I finally got permission from my pulmonary doctors, so surgery will most likely be by the end of September. Now that I know I am actually going to be able to have the surgery, I am having anxiety about what I am going to look like after losing all the weight. With the exception of a couple years in my teens, I have been over weight/obese my whole life. I'm afraid that I won’t feel like myself once I'm thin. I know it's crazy and like everyone else, I dream of being thin and having people see me, not the fat, but I'm really scared. What if I don't feel comfortable without the weight? Since my pulm dr gave me permission last week, I have been struggling with my diet. I've lost about 30lbs since starting. It has been fairly easy up until this week. Now, I'm struggling daily with cravings I thought I had put behind me. I really just want to get on with it, so I can't sabotage myself. It is so close, but just out of reach. Makes the anxiety kick up into high gear. Glad to know that I am not the only one having fear and anxiety going into this. Good luck to all of you! We can do it!
on 8/24/12 7:25 pm - Canada
Revision on 08/01/12
I think the emotions/anxiety associated with this journey are part and parcel of what we buy into when we go the route of WLS.  I was on a 3 wk liquid diet and could not rely on my old friend "food" to get me through that process.  I ended up taking a week and a half off before my surgery to cope.  It gave me time to get things in order, rest, relax and put things into perspective.  My surgery was 5 hours away from where I live and I had to call the day before surgery to find out what time I needed to be at the hospital the next day.  I was 3 hours into the voyage when I called the admitting department and they said I was NOT scheduled for you can imagine my anxiety went through the roof- my nightmare was coming true!  I told the lady on the line that I was coming to Toronto and someone was going to give me my WLS, I didn't care who but it was gonna happen the next day!  I called the surgeon's office who confirmed that the surgery was on (phew!) and later got a call from the admitting dept apologizing for the mistake....I was laughing but geeze!  Talk about anxiety! 
I can relate to your post, but for me the bigger I got, the less social I got.  I am looking forward to being and looking healthier.

Good luck with your surgery!
on 8/28/12 11:04 am - WA
RNY on 05/21/12
For my insurance to pay for surgery I had to lose 5% of my body weight which came out to about 17 lbs. I ended up losing actually more like 32 lbs cause of a low carb diet my doctor put me on right before surgery.  I can't say that I didn't want to go out but I did get anxiety about the surgery. 

After surgery about a week in I was a crying mess. I was uncomfortable, emotional, wondering what i did to myself. Now 3 months out I'm doing great and taking each day at a time. 

Don't hide yourself away - take each day as it comes and ENJOY life cause we could all be gone tomorrow. 

on 8/28/12 12:49 pm - Central, FL
RNY on 08/29/12
I have been going through the same thing. I'm really thankful that my boyfriend lives 6 hrs away b/c I really don't want him seeing me at this size. I want the next time he sees me to be in a hot dress at my school's dept holiday party in Dec.

My surgery is scheduled for tomorrow & I keep checking my phone to see if my surgeon called to say it was off. Part of me feels like it would be the end of the world & the other part of me would be relieved. It's such an emotional rollercoaster.

Alicia ~ HW 307 ~ SW 287 ~ GW 135 ~ CW 160

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