Information Please

on 8/13/12 1:15 pm - Las Vegas, NV
RNY on 09/19/12
Information please.

Barring any complications how long does gastric bypass take?

How long will my support team be in the waiting room before they have confirmation that the surgery was a sucsess?

Where are the scars and what do they look like? Do they hurt to the touch or is most of the pain internal?

For the women, is the change in diet going to affect my periods?
on 8/13/12 1:27 pm - MN
RNY on 06/21/12
My surgery took 90 minutes,

I have 5 scars, each about an inch or smaller. They never hurt to the touch. Pain was more of an internal ache...and mine wasn't actually that bad but that is different for everyone.


HW: 270   SW: 245   CW: 172  GW: 160 then we'll see  



(deactivated member)
on 8/13/12 1:30 pm
Im a post op sleever but I have heard this effects many womens periods.  The day after my OP I came on and lasted a whole week.  I hadn't had a period in over a year due to birth control. So take pads with you no matter which op you have!
on 8/13/12 1:31 pm - GA
RNY on 05/14/12
Everyone is different but my experience included my periods going crazy and I hit an infected incision so it was that, which hurt most. I have 4 small incision scars that go across my belly and just above the belly button line. I have another larger scar in the same line from the infected incision, which is all healed now by the way. I also have a small scar under my right breast from where the drain was inserted. I hope this helps.
Oxford Comma Hag
on 8/13/12 1:34 pm
My surgery took about an hour, and I had a hiatal hernia repaired at the same time.

My husband hung out about two or so hours before someone came out to tell him everything was a-okay.

My scars are six in number and scattered over my abdomen. One is below my breasts on the midline of my chest. My biggest scar is an inch long. Important to note: as you lose, you will have less fat to fill out your skin, so your scars will appear smaller.

My scars didn't hurt past the first week. The steri strips caused me very itchy skin, however.

Yes, time of month is different, but it hasn't anything to do with my diet but rather from weight loss.
on 8/13/12 1:38 pm
RNY on 06/18/12

Surgery time about 2 hours  - 7 incision (holes) all closed with dermabond (glue) never hurt. Can't answer the question on periods, I had a hysterectomy many years ago.

on 8/13/12 1:41 pm - Redwood City, CA
RNY on 04/02/12
 Let's see from the moment I stepped into the hospital until I was in my room was approximately 5 hours. That included about an hour and a half with the pre-surgery vital checks and just waiting to go to surgery, then I was in the surgical staging area for another hour while my IV got started and they re-checked my vitals, then it was off to surgery, my actual surgery took an hour, then onto recovery for an hour, then I waited for someone to come from transportation to take me to my room.

My SO said that the surgeon came out first to let him know they were running behind and I would be going into surgery around 3 instead of 2 and then after about 1-1/2hours again to let him know everything was fine and the surgery went really well.

I had open surgery, so I have a 4 inch scar from just below the center of the "girls" downward. It was tender to the touch, but not painful. It was closed with steri strips. I really found that the surgery was much less painful than my appendectomy or hysterectomy. So, I was quite pleased!

I can't answer the last question since I don't have those parts anymore! ;-)

Good luck to you on your journey!
Amy D.
on 8/13/12 1:49 pm - VA
RNY on 03/13/12
my surgery lasted about 2 hours. They called my husband with updates once or twice while I was under.

The incisions were uncomfortable but not really the focus of the pain. The incision with the drain was probably the most uncomfortable, but once the drain was out it was fine--except for my allergic reaction to the medical tape. I have 3 scars on the upper abdomen under my breasts with the one in the middle being higher than the other two and I have 3 scars along my waistline. They are fading but I think they will be with me forever.

My period has been an almost constant thing since surgery. I have like opposite periods--I only go about a week each month without bleeding. It sucks. I don't know if it's the affects of surgery itself (well, more accurately the rapid weight loss) or the combination of having had surgery and having the mirena IUD. I just know I hate it!
HW: 272 lbs. (BMI 49.7)     SW: 237 lbs. (BMI 43.3)    GW: 140 lbs. (BMI 25.6)   
on 8/13/12 7:06 pm - Las Vegas, NV
RNY on 09/19/12
Thank you all for your responses. I am looking forward to my surgery next month and first hand info from all of you is helpful.
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