Restarting secret pals?! reposting

on 7/23/12 3:05 am - SAN PABLO, CA
 Hi all Readers

I have in the past been apart of doing secret pals and I have been looking into doing it again, but it doesn't seem to be running so I am looking to see if maybe I could restart it myself! I first would like to see if there is any members in joining in and becoming secret pals. Also I would like to know if I need to be a OH leader to do it so if any OH leaders is reading this can you please notify me with the answer to that question please and thanks. I loved how well it went for me and know the things I received I still use today and hopefully the things I sent my pal she is enjoying

Any and all comments are needed thanks all!!!
First Meeting with Surgeon:2/10/2011  weight was 460
Surgery Date:5/03/2011  Weight was 428
Revsion To RNY 06/26/2012 Weight 
on 7/23/12 3:09 am - MI
RNY on 04/25/12
What exactly is a "Secret Pal?" It sounds like a dating web-site. I am just curious, well, actually nosey! lol
I am very happily married, but I have heard that a lot of WLS patients get divorced and that there are some that get addicted to promiscuous behaviors.
on 7/23/12 3:18 am
I'm assuming it's like giving each other gifts on special occasions etc. 


on 7/23/12 3:16 am, edited 7/23/12 3:19 am
A secret pal would not be something of interest to me.


on 7/23/12 3:36 am - MI
RNY on 04/25/12
If it involves being promiscuous behavior or being deceitfullness, it would not interest me either.
I am just being nosey! lol
on 7/23/12 5:33 am
From what I've read before its like having a secret Santa at Christmas .... nothing dirty about it at all.
Joy B.
on 7/23/12 8:50 am - MD
RNY on 06/04/12
It is nothing dirty. It is like having a secret santa.

I would love to do it, being a secret pal that is.

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