Approaching onederland

on 7/8/12 12:55 pm - OH
So I am approaching onederland and of course excited but in the same token why am I finding that I just want to la around in bed and do nothing all day?
Of course I am back to having trouble eating and drinking but managing to at least keep up my daily fluid intake as the doctor said.
Im wondering if the wanting to hide is a normal thing. Its like I feel everyone is watching me or looking at me now. I have of course been more photogenic then every and people including men are approaching me about my brilliant smile. Am I just nervous? Just not used to it?
I have so many thoughts running through my mind espeically since my one NSV is to be at 250 before the end of summer and I am at 256 which is a 94 pound difference from my date of surgery.
Has anyone else exerienced this?
**I will upload some pics tomorrow**

on 7/8/12 2:27 pm - CA
First, CONGRATS on your upcoming Onederland. It's a big deal and I do hope you can enjoy it. That said, I think there could be several things going on with your feeling for hiding. One, you could be struggling with depression. It is typical to have some mood swings and dpression issues at this stage because as you lose the fat, your fat cells dump hormones into your system just knocking things out of whack. If it feels out of control, you should talk to your doc, but usually things right themselves when the weight loss slows. The other possibility is that you have a real problem with attention. Many of us have deep seated issues that have caused us to become obese. One common cause is a fear of attention (sometimes due to childhood experiences like molestation). If you think this is at the root of your "hiding" you may want to seek professional assistance so you can get past it and be permanently successful in your wieghtloss journey. It could be that you are just a little insecure with the new changes you are experienceing. If that is the case, you may just have to do a little self talk to give yourself some confidence and make yourself step out of your comfort zone. There is something to be said for "fake it til you make it." That's how I have made it through this process;)
on 7/8/12 2:43 pm - OH
Yea I have never been one to have attention directed towards me. Yesterday my family met up for an outdoor concert and I hadnt seen my sister for about a month or so, well She walked right up to me and said I looked so different and beautiful that she didnt even know it was me! But then everyone was curious as to why, being friends of friends surrounding us.
I give myself a pep talk everyday to do normal things but I wish that I could actually feel the  happiness that I portray to others so they dont know this is how I really feel.....If any of that makes sense.
I am on depression pills and they had to give me a nerve pill a couple of months ago cause of the amout of weight loss and the changes. I havent needed them until recently when everyone around me seems to notice the difference in my physically!
I am hoping this all passes quickly and that its just another road bump.
Thanks for your reply

on 7/8/12 2:49 pm - CA
I can only imagine how uncomfortable this process is for those folks who don't like attention. I LOVE attantion and have quite frequently wished I had a little less or beenflat out uncomfortable. So, I imagine this is really tough for you. Hang in there. It DOES pass. People get used to the new you and everything goes back to normal once your weight loss slows.
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