9 months out and weight loss seemed to have come to a halt...

on 7/11/12 5:53 pm
Hi my friend I too am at a stall and I am even running now 3 times a week I am also very hungry all the time

on 6/25/12 8:49 am
I've stalled for over 4 months. Yes, its depressing. After going to see the surgeon and talking to the NUT again they suggested that I cut out ALL protein bars as they are considered "junk food" and eat more protein instead of drinking it AKA protein shakes. I eat around 1,000 calories per day and take in min. 60gm of protein a day. I workout to Zumba 6x per week and what do  you know the scale is SLOWLY moving. I lost 3lbs last week after almost 5 months of no movement. See what you are eating, write it down-better yet use Myfitnesspal.com and that keeps track for you. It sucks becuase you know you are going to stall at some point but it sucks when you are stalled for SO long and you work your behind off and eat right. Log everything you eat it keeps you honest.
on 6/25/12 9:12 am - At Home in, NH
So I'm more than 10 months out, but this is how my journey went. Yep the fast weight loss just quit in December/January/Feb (6-8 months out). So I took a long look at what I was eating (healthy, protein forward, veggies, whole grains, some sweets, but it seemed a good lifestyle diet for me), I took a look at what I was doing for exercise (not enough, not hard enough, not strenuous enough, not with any frequency). Mentally, I was a bit bummed.

But instead of getting frustrated, I said to myself, "Self, you control this...If you want things to happen, believe in yourself, adjust your expectations, develop a plan and and walk the walk, and live the life."

So I adjusted my healthy diet to be more healthy. I started eating more calories, more protein, more good fats, more emphasis on a lifetime of eating not just getting to goal. I stepped my exercise, big time. I committed to become a fit, healthy person -- not just a thin, non-fat person. And mentally, I said to myself, "Self, you are in this for the long haul. Do what you know is right, live the lifestyle and don't be in such a friggin' hurry to get to goal. It's about living the journey, not racing to goal and then living." That's what I said to myself.

And I'll be damned, I started losing weight regularly again. Granted I'm not tearing down the house with my weight loss numbers, but I lose anywhere from 4
-7 pounds a month and that's super fantastic for me. Plus, I've gotten fitter, I've got some great muscles, I can do things I only used to dream of, and I'm living in the moment fully.

Oh and I enjoy my lifestyle diet: it's healthy, it's vibrant, it's full of veggies and fruits and proteins and whole grains with some dark chocolate and sweet treats. This to me is what I envisioned a year ago, what I wanted the rest of my life to be and I am happy living the journey and reaping the rewards of my efforts.

"Just keep swimming." ~ Dorrie

on 6/25/12 11:20 am, edited 6/24/12 11:20 pm
I too went through a stall from beginning of April until last week. I recommend if you have a smart phone downloading myfitness pal and track everything you put in your mouth. sometimes we think we are following the rules but we tend to forget that tiny little bite of food we ate here or there. I had a self attitude adjustment/meeting last weekend and went 'back to basics'. I started eating fruits, veggies, lean meats (and of course greek yogurt). Weighing and measuring everything, and sneaking in 'extra exercise' like parking at the end of a parking lot, walking the stairs instead of the elevator, and intentially taking items upstairs one at a time. When I weighed in this past Saturday with my accountabilibuddy I had not only broken my stall but lost 2.5 lbs!

One of the things that has helped me through this entire process is having an accountabilibuddy. Every Saturday morning we weigh in together, swap our food trackers and talk about things that were challenging or upcoming challenges and planning for how we are going to get through them. I never feel alone.

Stay focused and don't get discouraged. It took a lifetime of bad choices to gain the weight. Learning to live in your new lifestyle is going to have its bumps in the road. Just build a plan for how you are going to 'manage your emotions/feelings' when you stall or incur stress. You CAN DO THIS! You just have to believe in yourself. Knowing how to handle these times now will help you to remain successful later. Best wishes to you!
on 6/25/12 11:49 am
thanks everyone for all your help!!  you really gave me some good suggestions!!!
nicole T.
on 6/26/12 10:32 am
Dont feel bad I had my surgery 9/21/11 and I'm in the same boat with u, I have lost 95lb but June has been nothing, I don't know Wht to do
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