peri vs post menopause

on 6/17/12 12:54 pm - reidsville, NC
RNY on 01/16/12

I had to be scoped a couple of weeks ago. My surgeon feared that i may have Barretts esophagus...turned out to be just a really bad case of acid reflux...but, when i checked into the hospital for the test, the nurse asked all the usual of them being..and just how long have you been post menapausal?...i suppose, because of my age (54), she just assumed...well, i gave her one of MY looks and told her, if anything, i was just perimenopausal...let me knock on wood, i havent had TOM since April, i spose i could be expereincing the beginnings(fingers and toes crossed) question is...when is one teetotally post menopausal...i have heard that if you go ONE year without TOM, that you are...just wondering...if so, 10 more months....YOOHOO


on 6/17/12 1:16 pm
RNY on 06/11/12
1 year without OR  a hormone test from your OB/GYN.  Either way my question is why do people call it "POST" menopause?  Is there something that happens after menopause?    I hope not because I have been in menopause for a while now and I've never understood the Post Menopausal comments.....

on 6/17/12 3:34 pm - Suffern, NY
it has to be 1 year AND a hormone test test from a OB/GYN or Endocringolist.  I  had to make a slight change in your first sentence, it is definitely 1 year without your period but the hormone test test is in addition not OR.  My Endocrinologist does all my hormone test and has for the past 15 years due to the fact that I have hypothyroid, hypopituitary and adrenal problems so she checks all my hormone levels.
I went 3 years with elevated levels when we thought I was going to stop my periods,  but sure enough they kept coming - only 2 or 3 times per year.  Overall, it took 10 years of starting and stopping = perimenopause.


Citizen Kim
on 6/17/12 10:46 pm, edited 6/17/12 11:33 pm - Castle Rock, CO
For those people who are on hormonal contraception, "periods" are not true menses and so amenorrhea (or not) doesn't mean anything to them. I have no idea whether I have periods or not as I have a Mirena IUD and before that was on a contraceptive pill and so only had withdrawal bleeding.

I would have to discontinue contraception to discover if I were amenorrheic.

This is why we are given FSH tests and why the results of this test are used as the diagnostic tool.

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 6/18/12 7:32 am - Suffern, NY
I do know that periods when you are on contraceptions arent true periods.  I was on either OrthoEvra Patch or OrthoTrycryicline tablets for years both to stop my periods when I had severe iron deficiency.Both of these meds try so you can stop your periods if you take them continually. 

In order to determine menopause - you need FSH, LH and estrodial levels.  Without all 3, it is an inaccurate diagnosis.  I am not sure how they would determine in your case, but just hormone levels isnt enough.  My levels showed menopause for 5 years before my periods stopped completeley.


Citizen Kim
on 6/18/12 7:37 am - Castle Rock, CO
If I decided to undertake treatment for menopausal symptoms, I may well decide to get additional testing to ensure that my levels were treated correctly - at this juncture, there isn't any point.

I have a degree in midwifery (women's reproductive systems from puberty to menopause) - I am more than happy with my knowledge and diagnosis - you really should consider some sort of medical career with all your experience and self knowledge

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 6/18/12 9:21 am - Suffern, NY
I wish I was physically able to work - that is exactly what I would do.


Citizen Kim
on 6/17/12 1:28 pm - Castle Rock, CO
An FSH test between 24 and 100 was determined as being IN menopause when I had mine tested (mine was 80 something).   

I have had an odd period and times of spotting in the last year so wouldn't qualify under the "no periods for one year" criteria!

I will consider myself post menopausal when I no longer have any periods or other symptoms (like these bloody hot flashes!!!!!!!)

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 6/17/12 1:42 pm
RNY on 06/11/12
the bloody hot flashes continue forever unless you get on hormone replacements.(from what I am told)..  I'm not doing the hormone replacements because of the cancer risks that run in my family...  I've been period free for 5 plus years now and the hot flashes are the same today as they were when all this mess started....  I guess that is our punishment huh!!!! 
Citizen Kim
on 6/17/12 10:52 pm, edited 6/17/12 11:29 pm - Castle Rock, CO
My theory was that if I kept my Mirena IUD, it might help the hot flashes - synthetic progesterone is clearly not working LOL!!!!

My mother and sister didn't get hot flashes for more than a year or two so I'll keep my fingers crossed that this is genetic and that getting hot flashes "forever" is not a given!!!!

I'm not doing oestrogen replacement whatever happens - my symptoms do not warrant the cancer risk ...

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

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