Not so much an NSV, but a revelation...

on 6/9/12 7:27 am, edited 6/9/12 7:32 am - Chicago, IL
...while the wife is having dental work done for a couple hours, I went to get a glass of iced coffee at a little cafe that I used to frequent when we lived in the neighbourhood (more on that later)...

I got my iced coffee (topped off with cold soy milk) and just to find out if I my pouch would tolerate it, I also ordered a plain, cake donut but got a chocolate frosted one instead (no plain ones were available). After a few nibbles and it was clear that my pouch was tolerating it just fine, I realized that I had eaten half of it already...this was alarming but that didn't stop an internal struggle from occurring...

In my head, there was a voice advocating finishing the donut ("'ve already paid for it, you should fini****now that you know you can eat it, you should go ahead...C'mon, what's one donut going to hurt?) while another was pushing for self-discipline, self-control and restraint ("...hey, you've already had half, you know you can eat it - doesn't mean you should,'ve had enough to enjoy it but you don't need to eat the other half...true enough, it won't hurt, but you may be letting yourself in to begin repeating the harmful and destructive patterns that eventually led to needing WLS...claim victory, toss the rest and leave with your coffee..."

Here's the part that could be considered an NSV...I listened to the second voice.

I could have continued to avoid the foods (like this one) that I want to consider to be poison, but I would have done so not knowing whether I was doing so borne of fear or now I know and can avoid/decline because I want to...not because I'm afraid...

The cafe' is still owned by the same person, it has expanded its seating area and the servers (at least the ones I saw today) are friendly, courteous, polite and without a multitude of visible piercings or tattoos...were I in a position to do so, I might make it a point to travel there every Sunday just to support it...

Weight at Heaviest: 320 lbs. 
Weight at Surgery:
283.6 lbs.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion...

on 6/9/12 7:29 am - OH
I think listening to the second voice is absolutely a NSV!

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 6/9/12 8:09 am
It is each small victory that is strung together with other small victories that add up.

Dagne Tripplehorn
on 6/9/12 10:31 am - OR
RNY on 04/06/12
 You had me in suspense. I didn't know which voice was going to win. Ta-da! happy ending!
But losing the training wheels makes me anxious. 
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