Need help, what do your daily meals typically look like ?

on 3/22/12 4:49 am
So my surgeon told me early out to follow this guideline :
1) Protein shake for breakfast about 60 grams ( i know many will say to spread it out and i have)
2) 3 small meals
3) 100 grams protein or so

I am currently hitting 9 months post-op and have been stalled for months ! but the thing is i do have a snack of a protein shake and a greek yogurt, or either/or.

I want to know what you all out there follow.

I work Loonnng days at work and don't return home for a good 12 hours after traffic and all.

I often eat dinner at work then get hungry around 8pm at home.

on 3/22/12 4:57 am, edited 3/22/12 4:58 am
RNY on 02/15/12
You're much farther out than I am, so I don't know how much help I'll be.

I wake up around 7:30 and have an Atkins shake.

I go to the gym around 9:00, work out, and come home and eat something like greek yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit.

Lunch is around 1pm, usually leftovers from dinner the night before. Sometimes meatballs, pot roast, turkey dogs, lentils, etc.

I'll have a piece of cheese or a bit of banana for a snack before picking my kid up from school at 3:30.

Dinner is usually something high protein with a serving of veggies. We eat between 5:30 and 6:00.

And THEN if I'm still feeling hungry around 8-9pm, I'll eat more of what I had for dinner, a glass of milk, or a SF pudding cup.

I eat pretty much all day. But it's always just a little bit.
_._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. 
Check out my video blog!
Highest weight: 269.  Surgery weight: 233.  Goal weight: 144, and then we'll see.. 
on 3/22/12 5:14 am
That pretty much sounds like what i eat.

I also pretty much eat all day, but lil bits .
Betty S.
on 3/22/12 4:59 am - Mesa, AZ
Does your surgeon mean 100 grams protein TOTAL per day, or eat 100 grams plus the shake?  I'm just about 3 years out, and don't think I've ever managed to just eat 100 grams...I always have a shake in the morning.
I also eat a couple snacks a day, either a cheese stick, or a protein bar, and apple with peanut butter...something. 
I would imagine that you would be hungry by 8pm.
I lost all of my weight by 8 months, and have stayed the same now all this time.  How close are you to your goal?

on 3/22/12 5:13 am
Thank you for your reply :)
He said about 100 grams total, do you think i should be having more protein in a day?

Well i had original set my goal to lose half my weight, started at 322, am currently at 245.
My personal goal was to lose 1/2 my weight being 160, so i have about another 85 lbs out.

I am quickly nearing the one year mark, i just feel so damn stuck.
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 3/22/12 8:33 am - OH
 No, unless your labs show a problem, you do not need more than 100g of protein.  You may not even need that much.  Nine months out is a very common point at which to stall (as is 6 months and 12 months).  My longest stall was nine weeks long at right about 9 months out.  Just keep doing what you have been doing and hang in there.  Increasing your physical activity may help, but you may just have to wait the stall out.  You WILL start losing again, though.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 3/22/12 5:00 am - TX
RNY on 02/16/12
I am a diabetic.  I was told to eat 3 meals with 2 snacks.  Right now, I'm under 1,000 calories.  Drink 10 oz. of protein.  Best wishes
on 3/22/12 5:14 am
Thank you !
on 3/22/12 5:21 am - Eugene, OR
I usually get around 90g of protein, but I don't eat a lot of fruits or veggies - it's all protein. It's bad - I need to figure something out.


Breakfast around 8 is a protein shake.
Noon is 3oz turkey with a thin slice of cheese and mustard
around 3 I'll do a protein bar or one of Shelly's 5 minute cakes (worldaccordingtoeggface)
Dinner is another 3oz protein and occasionally a veggie and that's around 6ish.

Lately I've been pretty hungry at bedtime so I'll add a protein cake or a protein bar as a snack before bed.
HW:  255  SW:  225.7  CW:  156.3

on 3/22/12 5:42 am - Collierville, TN
 I am about the same time out as you.  How many calories are you getting a day.  I know you posted your protein, but not the total number of calories.  I could pack in alot of calories with 3 small meals plus shakes.  How about exercise?  That could be what it takes to break your stall.  I know it is hard when you work 12 hours, but my shifts are easier when I exercise.  
Wishing you continued sucess!!!!

Lots of 5K's, 10K's., 4 1/2 Marathons, 3 Sprint Triathlon done. 2 Olympics and my  First IRONMAN 70.3 September 2013 and First Full Marathon Dec 2013  !!!!!

My blog-


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