I lost my job...and I'm scared.

on 1/16/12 4:58 am
So, I was fired.  Apparently in Alabama there was a law passed back in May (we were still back in Utah at the time so I didn't know about this law) where a nontenured teacher can be fired at anytime for any reason, and not be told the reason.  So, guess who got canned??
I don't know why...my kids were preforming just as high as the other 8th grade teachers kids (even higher at times), I had no parent complaints, no OFFICIAL observations (just pop ins that lasted about 10 mins followed by an email that said what they really liked, and what they thought I should do better next time...normal stuff), no warnings, ZIP idea that I was being fired.  My last day was Wednesday of last week, and my students (8th graders) are up in arms.  They are angry, sad, mad, etc. and are emailing me telling me that they want answers as to why I was let go.  See, at this school student voice is a BIG deal, but it is run by a tyrant.  She actually went into all of my classes and said,"She is not coming back, there is no discussion about it.  I know she had loose rules in here and let me tell you I'm fixing that!!"  (I let them be themselves, didn't yell that much, etc., but I ALWAYS HAD THEM UNDER CONTROL, I just didn't have to yell to get their respect...imagine that)
Here is my concern...I worried that being at home all day (kids at school) while I am looking for something else I will gain weight, not do what I am supposed to do because I am so upset over this.  I talked to my PCM, and he said that since I won't be running around my classroom I need to get in more exercise.  Yeah, I have had one day alone at home (it was a four day weekend for my husband) and I sat my ass in front of the TV.  Granted it was the first day and I was uspset and getting text messages from the other teachers all day telling me what was going on in my room...but I still did crap.

Any suggestions to this long question??
Wife to Lawrence since July 4, 2003.
Nathan June 16, 2005   Haylee October 7, 2009  
Getting help so I can live long with him and raise them to be the best they can be!                

WhoIWantToBe *.
on 1/16/12 5:05 am
RNY on 01/10/12
That's HORRIBLE!  And they gave you NO reason?  No warnings?  They can DO that?

Vent your frustration on the treadmill!  Or ... or ... KICK BOXING!
(deactivated member)
on 1/16/12 5:13 am

I am so sorry to hear about your job. That stinks.

Do you have a WII, if so get a WII Fit, it has a walking program. When I started I could barely
walk a couple of minutes with it, Now I am able to jog two miles a day with it.  I would love a treadmill, but we had the WII, so I had to start using whatever I already had.

Walk around the house, on the deck.

Try to get in touch with your emotions so you don't go back to eating too much and just sitting around.

You can do this.

Good Luck


on 1/16/12 5:21 am
Sorry to hear about the loss of your job. Do you live near a YMCA? They have special rates for the unemployed (a slidding scale) and you could sign-up for classes daily, swim and get into an exercise routine. Keep your head up and your weight down
I believe the ability to fire someone for no apparent reason is referred to as "employment at will", the only exceptions being that whistle blowers are exempt from the "at will employment" laws. 

This really sucks and I'm sorry it happened to you. I don't know if this will work for you, but I try to walk, walk, walk when I'm upset. My neighbors must think I'm a whack-job because sometimes, I even talk to myself as I walk if I'm really upset. 

I hope you can find some closure to this. I know how much something like this can eat at your head. 
WhoIWantToBe *.
on 1/16/12 6:43 am
RNY on 01/10/12
 Eh, they just think you're talking on your bluetooth!
Maybe I should just get a blue tooth and wear it whether I'm talking to someone else or not. 
on 1/16/12 5:24 am - OH
I'm so sorry about your job.

Would it help you to make a plan for each day?  What you're going to eat, what you're going to do?  You're used to sticking to a schedule at school, right?  Maybe you can make a schedule for yourself now, at home.  Plan a time to exercise, plan a time to look for a new job, etc.

And do deal with the emotions.  I'm sure you're angry and very sad.  And probably anxious about what the future holds.  Deal with those feelings, so they don't make you start eating too much or the wrong things.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 1/16/12 5:25 am
Yep, they can do that.  I stood up to my principal for being a bully to me and my students (literally...she bullied 13 year olds) and she didn't like that.  I told her that it isn't fair to treat people the way she does yet call us a "family"...so I'm pretty sure that's why I got canned.  I don't deal well when people think they are better than others...I call them out on their ****ty behavior.  She would disrespect and talk down to 30 year veteran teachers in staff meetings, and NO ONE SAID ANYTHING because they were afraid of her.  Personally, unless you are holding a weapon, I'm not afraid of anyone. 

We do have a Wii and got a Kinect for Christmas.  Dance Central 2 is one of the first games we got and that has an exercise program on it, so I was going to start that tomorrow. 
Wife to Lawrence since July 4, 2003.
Nathan June 16, 2005   Haylee October 7, 2009  
Getting help so I can live long with him and raise them to be the best they can be!                

Lisa R.
on 1/16/12 8:32 am - CA
 I too am an 8th grade teacher and I am shocked that they fired you mid year!  In California it really takes an act of God to fire a teacher (unless they do something really stupid like touch a kid or steal) even when we do layoffs, which we do a lot, there is so much paper work and lawyers involved and the district can't hire anyone until they hire all of them back.  I think they even have to pay for these laid off teachers to take tests to get subject matter proficiency and maybe teach other areas.

So......I'm just really sorry for you and for your kids.  Standing up to the principal is something you should only do when you are tenured, unfortunately until you have that you have to sit on your hands and bite your tongue.  

How is the job market for teachers in your state?  What do you teach?  

Just keep busy.  I don't think that you will gain weight.  I was off a month for the holiday and did not gain and I ate pretty bad over the holiday.  I am not suggesting you do that...lol....I'm just saying, a few days of sitting down isn't going to put all the weight back on so don't stress about that.

Good luck and keep us posted

The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. ~ Ayn Rand        
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