gall bladder and preop dr question

on 1/7/12 7:42 am - reidsville, NC
RNY on 01/16/12
hey all

when i had all my preop testing done, it was discovered that i have not one, but two gall stones...has anyone ever had that to happen to them...i know all doctors do things differently, but, did you or do you think the doctor may take my gall bladder out at the same time as the rny?

also, i have my last doctors appointment on the 12th before my procedure...i have some questions ready for him, but,  would ya'll let me know what questions you asked at this critical time...what you may tell me, i may have never thought of... more thing, nothing was said to me if i should stop taking low dose(81 mg) aspirin before my surgery...what did you all do?...stop or continue taking it?

thanks to all of ya'll that respond, i know that from this board i will great info

on 1/7/12 7:53 am, edited 1/9/12 9:16 pm
I would ask the size of the pouch, the type and size of stoma hole punch he is using and the length of they bypass he is planning on doing...and why? Every surgery is different and you should know what you are getting going into the surgery. Tri
on 1/7/12 7:59 am
RNY on 05/22/12
I have not yet had surgery, but I do work in medicine so this may answer a couple of your questions (but of course you should always confirm with your doctor).
Gallstones are very common. Rapid weight loss (as we expect w/bypass) can cause gallstones/gallbladder problems; knowing this, if you already have gallstones they will typically remove your gallbladder at the time of surgery to avoid any gallbladder issues down the road. You do not want to be vomiting because of your gallbladder post-operatively.

Aspirin is a blood thinner and also a no-no for bypass post-ops; it can cause ulcers, etc. I would presume they would want you off the aspirin for at least a week preoperatively (but again ask your doc).

Hope this helps. I'm still working on my list of questions too...
RNY 5/22/12 lost pre-op      
Cecilia W.
on 1/7/12 8:13 am - Northport, AL
RNY on 02/06/12
I am having my surgery on the 18th. Yesterday, my surgeon's office called to tell me to stop taking my low dose aspirin and any other NSAIDS I was on.

HTH :)
Michelle V.
on 1/7/12 8:48 am - Livonia, MI
i had 2 stones also and the doctor removed mine.
on 1/7/12 9:15 am
aspirin, nsaids and the like are no no's due to them being blood thinners. And for sure nsaids are a permanent no no after surgery. not sure on blood thinners if medical neccessity aka heart condition.

Gall bladder.....I had multiple gallstones found on test pre-op. I had them send it to wlsurgeon..and double checked to make sure it was in. Now saying this...check with your surgeon..some will take out IF it is a proven neccessity.aka already have stones. Some wont touch it irregardless if there are stones. Make sure your doctor will. Confirm often. On the day of surgery the nurse in prep listed med conditions etc. said "possible multiple gallstones" I said no not possible..dont wake me up till galllbadder is out..I had them verify that they were taking it out prior to putting me under. And when I woke up I asked if they had LOL I went through alot of pain bathroom probs etc like sharp stabbing pains and no time to react was no fun..It HAD to come out at same time.

Now some dr's I think want to do seperate surgeries. And some insurance would rather that too..which to me is just plain stupid cus it saves everyone money doing both at once. And it's the exact same laproscopic surgery and right there.

I must say though I think I had a longer recovery than if I had just had an rny. My body knew something else went
Just make sure if you have had problems that they take it out. I say it might be worth finding and researching a surgeon that will take it out same time..I cant imagine going through 2 sugeries close proximity.
on 1/7/12 9:22 am
I was found to have gallstones pre-op also. I had to ask (insist ) that the gallbladder also be removed. The problem was that if the additional procedure would mean additional time under anesthesia then it might not be possible. I reiterated the fact that I did not want a second surgery so
preapproval to insurance was submitted and approved for both procedures. My total length of surgery with RNY and cholecystectomey  6 hrs. I would do it again so as not to have to undergo two seperate operations. Get the MD and then the insurance to approve you for both procedures IMO

" Oh you who love clear edges more than the edges that blurr."
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 1/7/12 9:43 am - OH
 You should always stop taking aspirin and any kind of blood thinning drugs before surgery.  Ask your surgeon how much before surgery you should stop it, though.  Some just don't want you taking it within 24 hours.

You will also need to ask the surgeon about the gallbladder.  Gallstones are not like kidney stones... you can have many small gallstones and not experience any problems at all, and if you have not already had any symptoms of gallbladder trouble, your surgeon may opt to leave it in.  Others take them out routinely even if there are no stones.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 1/8/12 2:12 am - reidsville, NC
RNY on 01/16/12
thank you all for your replies...very informative
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