Other practioners against bypass and my experience today...

on 12/13/11 6:00 am - PA
I've been stewing about this all day debating whether or not to post this.  I had a gyne appointment today because my last period was really bad/painful/heavy and for the 2 weeks since I've felt a swollen part (possible lump) and have been having mild cramps constantly.  So I had my appointment today, and my ob/gyne pretty much yelled at me for having bypass.  The line was something like, "You girls get this done and lose all this weight fast and your body parts move and cause you problems."  I was sort of dumbfounded and replied, "Wow, congratulations on your weight loss?"  and she rolled her eyes and left the room.  I have an ultrasound scheduled on Monday and they made a decision not to continue with the examine when they caused me to scream (not their fault, I'm really sensitive right now and the examine needed to be done).  I really geared up for this appointment, made a list of things including my iron reading being low after this past period, thought I was being very clear and concise with them, and she bascially told me I've screwed other body parts up because of RNY.  I called my husband later to vent, and he basically said, you did not screw up your other body parts, and you're doing great; she's just incompetent.  But I guess in the back of my mine I wonder, certain parts have moved, I can see parts I haven't been able to see for decades.  Should I ask for a different doc after the ultrasound?  Should I think about switching practices.? This is the one place I really thought I'd get a "way to go" and felt like I'm being blamed.
on 12/13/11 6:12 am - NH
First good job on your wieght loss...second I do not think your body parts have moved.  I think that you notice more things about your body because it is not covered in FAT!!!! Things were there all along we just did not know it. As for the doctor you need to find a new one immediatly and then write a letter to the place she is a doctor at.  That was not how she should have treated you. You were not there about your RYN you were there about GYN issues and that is what she should have addressed.  I was very lucky with all my doctors and my GYN was the one *****commended my surgeon.  Anway good luck and hope it is nothing serious.  Tina
on 12/13/11 1:07 pm - MI
I totally agree with Tina. That GYN doctor is ignorant, not tomention rude. Get another doc asap.
on 12/13/11 6:07 am
RNY on 02/28/12
I'm quite appalled at how you were treated.  Firstly, RNY is a done deal for you.  Even if she were correct, what is the value of telling you this now??  Not sure what "body parts moving" she is talking about but how about all the risks of not having had the surgery?!?!?!  Also, from a gynecological perspective, obesity certainly helps "move things| too like prolapse of bladder/uterus for example.  That "moves" things in a negative way. Sheesh!  What is HER problem.

I work in the medical field, and if your appointment went as you describe, I would say you were treated very poorly.  It sounds like she has some personal gripe against RNY (bias or bad experience maybe).  I'm not sure I could face someone who treated me that way.  Even if she doesn't agree with your decision, she has no right speaking to you so disrespectfully.

If you have the opportunity to move to someone else, I would do it.  I would tell them up front that you have had this surgery and they should let you know if they are comfortable following you.  If not, find someone else.

There is a lot of emotion out there about this topic...and often very little common sense.

Good luck,

on 12/13/11 6:37 am - CA
Short answer: YES

She basically wrote you off with that comment.

If she is not the one in charge of the practice, I would speak to whoever is. If she is in charge I would talk to her. Unacceptable and soooo patronizing!!

If she is 100% anti-RNY, then she has a conflict of interest working with you and should admit same.

That was 100% inapproprate and unacceptable and you are correct that you are being blamed.

Also, "you girls"..... really???

Mary SW 273  CW 158  GW 160


on 12/13/11 6:47 am - bel air, MD
Congrads on your weight loss.
on 12/13/11 7:04 am
My Dr before was not supportive. Your insides do adjust a little and I know people that had bowels twist. Us girls want to be healthy and happy so move on to a different Dr and COMPLAIN!
I wish you good health and happy dance on your weightloss.
on 12/13/11 7:42 am - PA
 OMG Fran yes change gyn/ob as soon as you can. Body parts moving gee if it were such a horrid thing does she tell pregnant women that they screwed up? Cause you and i both know everything moves when your pregnant. 

Sorry she was a ***** to you. Hope all turns out ok with the ultra sound. Let me know how it goes.

 Come visit me on my bloghttp://apeekintomytreehouse.com/ 
  Start weight 282, Surgery weight 265, Current weight 131, Goal weight 140 

  A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.  Eleanor Roosevelt

on 12/13/11 7:45 am - KY
if this surgery were bad. all of us wouldnt be on OH .
on 12/13/11 7:50 am - Fort Campbell, KY
I really don't think losing weight made your girly parts move to where they case you such pain. But I'm not a medical professional. Either way, you were treated horribly and I would not go back to that Gyn.
Morgan  My Blog
Proud Army Wife! 

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