
on 10/13/11 3:23 pm - WI
How do I get rid of it?  I had surgery on Mon and still feel like a have a big gas bubble inside me.  I walk as often as the pain will permit me. I have taken Gas X chewables and strips. Tried bending over as much as possible and I can manage to squeeze out is a bunch of baby burps.  I have never looked forward to farting so much in my life. Have not had one since surgery yet.  I am drinking small sips of water continuously and am only eating jello and broth 3x day.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.
on 10/13/11 3:39 pm - MN
Walk as much as you can. The fart will come and it will be amazing. Lol it took me a good 2 days after mine to start farting.
on 10/13/11 3:41 pm - MN
Also, if you haven't had a bm yet try milk of mag. They gave me a concentrated dose for when I got out and it helped a lot.
on 10/13/11 4:59 pm - MN
 That gas all eventually ends up in your diaphragm.  I was sent home with a spirometer.  I used that to do deep breathing and it helped get rid of the gas also.  So stand up and start doing some deep breathing...breathe in through your nose and out of your often to help you from getting pnuemonia also.  Good luck.  Glad you finally got the surgery done.  I know you have waited for a long time.  

Laurie says:  Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind  ~~~ dr. suess

on 10/13/11 5:40 pm
You know I am having the same problems and it's reAlly scary every time I try to eat makes my tummy hurt and I sometimes get pains from my ads to my back doc said it's gas. But they didn't give me any gas pills etc he said to just walk well I have when I am not dizzy please tell me that other people experienced the same thing and it's going to be ok

on 10/14/11 1:31 am - AL
I had surgery on Monday and let me tell you - I thought I was going to burst wide open. I walked and walked but I was still MISERABLE.  I could burp a little, but I really needed to fart.  (Sorry, but there's no sugar-coating that word for this experience!)  Finally, my 2 day post-op I finally farted.  OMGoodness!!  You would have thought it was Christmas!  I sent my husband a text while he was at work and said, "YAY!! I FINALLY FARTED!!"  LOL  It was awesome.  I still havent had a BM but figured it was because there wasnt much in there to come out.  Should I get some milk of magnesia?
HW: 337  -  Beginning 6 mo pre-op diet: 319 - Consult: 251  -  SW:238     CW: 154    -  GW: 160  (LOST 81 lbs during 6 mo pre-op diet)
SURGERY DATE: 10/10/2011    
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