
on 10/10/11 3:42 am - RAEFORD, NC
Hello, I am almost 5 years out. Since losing all of my weight, I never gained any back but I lost my job in June so I've been at home more than I use to be.  I have started gaining weight back, it is a scary thing.  I have been walking each night but it doesn't seem to be making the scale move down only up.  Can anyone suggest anything that you think would help me out.  Thanks

on 10/10/11 4:00 am - OH
Exercising more and/or eating fewer calories.

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 10/10/11 4:09 am
Are you logging your intake?  If not I suggest you do for a few days so you can identify exactly what you are eating, is it possible you are adding extra carbs and sugar and not being aware of how much you are eating.

Are you taking your supplements, drinking liquids, not drinking at least 30 minutes after each meal and/or snack?

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


Barbara C.
on 10/10/11 4:19 am - Raleigh, NC


I've been where you are and it's a scary place to be for soooo many reasons. That said, I was able regain my footing and I'll be glad to share my experience with you. 

I honestly think that it all boils down to awareness and accountability. While I was losing weight I was so very good about being aware of what I was doing and being accountable, but I lost that when I was able maintain my weight. When life got REALLY SCARY, I found that I went back to some old comfort mechanisms and my clothes still fit even with a considerable weight gain because I gain it all over. At any rate, I started logging my intake and activity and of course, saw that I was consuming more carbs and overall calories than I wanted or needed. I backed off the total calories to 1000 to 1200 a day and made sure that I lead with dense protein first and followed with complex, colorful carbs. I did my best to stear clear of simple carbs while trying to lose. I was actually surprised at how easily the excess weight came off and now I've been able to maintain my weight, even with my 'Novella' life. 

Now I weigh daily and if I see my weight going beyond it's normal 3 to 4 lb swing each direction, I start logging my intake again and am able to bring it right back to where I want it to be. 

I also have an exhaustive list of the reasons why I want my weight to be where I want it to be and I select an item from one of each of the following categories to focus on each day: Health, Quality of Life and Appearance. I then weigh the decisions I'm making throughout the day to see if they support my Healthy, Quality  of Life and Appearance goals. This helps me focus my attention in a positive direction as I make decisions to support my goals as opposed to a feeling of deprivation. Also, I make sure to lead each meal with protein, followed with colorful carbs and then fill in with simple carbs and fats when and where I have the space to do so. This allows me to have my proverbial (and sometimes actual ;) cake while I'm able to eat it too! This is something that works for me because I'm not good at deprivation and so as long as I am 'taking care of business' I can have a treat now and then and it doesn't undo all of the hard work I've done, but I don't miss out on some of things I enjoy. 

I hope that helps some.

Wishing you all the best, 

ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

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