One month till "THE DRESS"

Amanda H.
on 8/17/11 3:09 am - Indianapolis, IN
So, my parents 40th wedding anniversary is on September 11... its such a sad day that they now celerate it either the week beofre or the week after.  This year since its the big 4-0, they are having a big party.  Now, I love some parties and I love my family more than anything... I am having a real issue with losing enough weight to feel like I look fabulous in this dress.  I have been back on track for 3 1/2 weeks and I have lost 9.5 pounds.  It is officially one month away and I would still like to lose another 13.5 pounds.  Now, while I know this is kinda unrealistic, I can't help beating myself up about it.  I love to dress up and I love to wear heals I don't know why i can't just enjoy it even if I'm not gonna make this goal.  Shake some sense into me... or at least tell me how to lose those 13.5 pounds in 31 days ;)  THanks for letting me vent!! 

on 8/17/11 3:13 am - WI
even if you don't lose the weight you want to lose you are still going to look fabulous.  you aren't 300 lbs any more.  just think about how you would be struggling with trying to dress up if that was still the case.
Take what you can get in loss and don't beat yourself up.

Have fun at the party!

Amanda H.
on 8/17/11 3:34 am - Indianapolis, IN
Thanks!!! And you are right... trying to dress at 300 lbs was miserable!!!  SO, this will be much easier.  And I know I am much harder on myself than everyone else is!!!  I will just try to stay positive!!!  Thanks again!!!

on 8/17/11 5:11 am - Sayre, PA
I hope you don't mind, but I peaked in your profile and saw a picture of you in a dress and heels titles "Class Reunion" and you are GORGEOUS!!!  You should be wearing that dress every single day, because you're SMOKIN' HOT!!

HW: 418 SW: 386 CW: 225 GW: 210

Amanda H.
on 8/17/11 6:11 am - Indianapolis, IN

Awwwww... thats so sweet of you to say!!!!  Thank you so much!!!!

on 8/17/11 6:11 am, edited 8/17/11 6:12 am
I agree with the other comments.  Find happiness in your obvious success and that you aren't 300 lbs anymore.  But I can understand your frustration.  I've gained 5 and feel bad about it and am now struggling to loose that last 5 again.  So, I do have to practice what I preach too.

And the pictures...DAMN Girl!!  My suggestion is to wear that dress, and hit the bar and let some little 20-something hit on you for awhile.  That'll put a smile on your face and make you feel pretty darn good about yourself.
"Assumption is the root of many problems"
Amanda H.
on 8/18/11 2:15 am - Indianapolis, IN
Hahaha... thanks so much... I guess this weight is always going to be a stuggle for me... 

on 8/17/11 7:26 am
Well, hell if I looked like that I would be vacuuming in that dress. LOL  Make peace with yourself and the size you are now. Do you really want a cloud over your parents day b/c you didn't make an "unrealistic goal"??
**SHELLY**   HW: 316   SW: 256   GW: 125  CW: 118       

Amanda H.
on 8/18/11 2:17 am - Indianapolis, IN
You're right I kinda need to get over myself!!!

H.A.L.A B.
on 8/17/11 7:49 am
hmm... not sure what do you want to hear... is it possible to lose 13 lbs? you know it is... do you really want to do that? how badly you want to do that?  how much time an effort you want to put into that?  will that be worth it?   if the answer is yes- then here is as the plan: (BTW IMO you do not need to... but then - you know best:)

1. get on Atkins diet plan, but include a lot of fresh greens, fiber and extra water. 
2. know that after you get off Atkins - you may regain 5-7 lbs... back (due to water retention due to carbs)
3. Get enough proteins (lean) and calories. 
4. lots of exercise - you do not want to lose the water - and not get the muscles... that may not look good. - you may even consider to hire a professional trainer.
5. if on Atkins (induction phase) and you do not get regular BM - you may get pimples - so stay on top of that. Make sure you take all the vitamins and minerals...
6. last few days before the party - stay away from anything that may give you gas - no SA, no carbs, raw veggies; lots of proteins, lots of water, herbal teas, etc...
7. get enough sleep.  Sleep helps the skin and the weight loss. 
8. walk a lot - laugh a lot. Happy people - less cortisol - less abdominal fat - less gas - better digestion.

if you really serious - start a new challenge - and be accountable and responsible for that - I may even join you... (I do want to lose 15 lbs) 
what say you? how serious you really are? 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

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