Wednesday surgery coming up and stressed!

on 8/12/11 10:52 pm - MA
So earlier this week they moved my date forward now rhat it's Saturday I'm all full of nervous excitement! I've been losing between 1-2 lbs a day pretty much on this liquid diet so I've ad moments of doubt thinking I could lose it all by just doing this diet... But yes, I realize I can not do this long term it is far too restrictive.
My family/support system is being less than enthusiastic about it. My mother had plans to have people down to visit the weekend following my surgery (so like my surgery is Wednesday, she has guests Friday-Monday) and is now more concerned about inconveniencing her guests.... She won't cancel. I'm suppose to be staying with my parents in my room there while i recover, but she said to me the other day " I hope you're in e hospital until Monday, I don't know where I'll put you".... My parents home has five bedrooms, other than their room my brother is home from school for the summering his room. So that leaves 3 bedrooms! She's having 2 friends and one of there husbands. So that's two bedrooms! Why is my being home in my room an issue. When I tried to question her she got mad and hung up on me! I'm her daughter and I'm getting major surgery shouldn't I be a priority sorry for venting. I'm just so stressed now and I've been convinced to keep my surgery a secret from other people, my mother is telling people I'm getting my gallbladder out. I just can't wait until this surgery is behind me and I can move on with my life. I'm worried about my PCOS preventing me from succeeding in this process. I feel sort of silly looking here for support but I'm in serious need of it!
on 8/12/11 11:22 pm
WOW!  I feel for you.  I am inclined to say that you need to find an alternate support system and place to go after surgery.  What about just having your brother come stay with you?  You will not need much care following surgery.  I had someone with me, but didn't really need help with anything.  You just cannot lift anything.   Your meals are liquid so not hard to make or open.

I understand the not wanting to tell anyone.  I was that way, but didn't lie.  Eventually people will see the difference in you. 

I am now 14 months out and I tell everone who asks.  I don't care anymore cause I look great, worked hard, and did something I am proud of.

I am not sure what PCOS is, but you will suceed.
You will lose the weight, that is what the surgery is designed for.
I think you must figure out why you gained the weight in the first place though in order to keep it off.
I think you should consider seeing a counselor to talk through the family support stuff.  After surgery I became VERY sensitive because of the rapid weight loss and chemicals being released in my body.  I had a great support system with a neice, sister who had the surgery and roomate and parents who were AWESOME for me.  I had to go on antidepressants.  It is a wierd feeling.  Anyway.....keep that in mind

Well hope my 2 cents helps.  Keep in touch on here. This site is great support and that is what it is here for.  We all understand.  Your family and friends do not and will not understand what your goign through.
Good Luck! and Congratulations.
on 8/12/11 11:59 pm - MA
PCOS is Poly cystic ovary syndrome. I gained my weight pretty quick and it wouldn't budge! Apparently weight loss surgery is the most effective tool against fight this according to my doctor. I've really tried to lose weight in so many ways!
My doctor wanted to make sure I would not be returning home alone. I'm going to see how things pan out but I'm anxious. I'm not so embarrassed about the surgery but I've been convinced by my mother that people will think I'm taking the easy way out. I think my mother is just trying to cope with her own nerves in her own way...
on 8/13/11 12:01 am
I am having surgery weds too!  We can try to keep eachother in a positive frame of mind.  Sounds like your mom is stressing out too.  She is probably worried for you but its all coming out in the wrong way.  Hope she comes around before Weds for your sake.  If not, I agree with the OP maybe your brother or another close friend could come stay with you for a couple days.  I have my husband there for the surgery and the day after but that is all he can do because of his work schedule... so I know I'll be keeping this laptop on and targeted to this site in case I feel I need to ask any questions.  Hope it all works out and you have an easy recovery.
on 8/13/11 12:09 am - MA
Thanks Mary! I will definitely have my iPad with me constantly! I'm giving everything a couple days to settled en and then I hope she will be a little more supportive. You would think they'd be excited for me since I always get those underhanded compliments such as: " you were always such a beautiful girl until you gained weight" or " it's ok you still have a pretty face"'s just hard to stay positive when people aren't really being supportive.
Hopefully we can stay in touch, I will like I said have my iPad with me even in the hospital so I don't go insane haha.. So definitely keep in touch! Did you do the pre op testing yet?I had mine on Friday and I have to wear this silly blood type bracelet until my surgery and it's so annoying!
on 8/13/11 12:16 am - OH
I'm so sorry your mother isn't more supportive or helpful.  She hopes you'll be in the hospital until Monday?  Um, only if you have complications.  Most likely you'll be discharges Thursday or Friday.

I agree with other posters, it would be good to try to find someone that can stay with you at your house.  Would your brother be willing to stay with you for a couple days?  Any friends that could help?  You probably won't need that much help but it would be good to have someone around for the first couple days.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 8/13/11 12:24 am
yep everything is completed.  Had all pre-ops done on Aug 2,  Everything came back ok with the exception of my B12 was very low so started taking sublingual B12 right away.  My doc doesn't have his patients do the liquid diet pre-op. But I am doing 2 shakes as breakfast and lunch and a sensible meal for dinner on my own. It's going pretty well so far. 
I haven't told a lot of people either.  I will probably tell a few more people after surgery once the weight starts coming off but I just feel I didn't need the negativity sabatoging my efforts.  After surgery I won't lie about it but I still think I will be selective of who I tell.  But I suppose that may change too as I start feeling better and maybe sharing will help someone else.  We'll see....
on 8/13/11 12:45 am
RNY on 02/24/11 with
I agree with other posters have your brother or a good friend stay with you. I'm sad for you that your mother's support isn't there. Well you made this decision for yourself sorry the date is inconvenient for the weekend gathering. I think you are the priority! I didn't tell but a handful of people at first once my surgery was complete and the weight was coming off I was excited to tell everyone i know about my decision. It's OK it's your life and your body! I wish you the best , mine has been a positive experience and if i had a moment of doubt it went away because I feel so much better about myself. I receive compliments from the people who are noticing the change. Although it's nice to hear the feeling I have about myself is so rewarding. I went from sedentary to just yesterday moving furniture to clean! I walked my grandchildren at the World War 2 memorial in D.C.! This decision is a Big Deal....To getting control of your life! Be proud of your choice and you have our support when you need it! Take Care, Debbie
on 8/13/11 1:06 am - MA
Thank you ladies, i genuinely appreciate all of the support and positive words. I think a lot of people see this as a cosmetic surgery of sorts, but for me it's way more than that. I have a lot of friends but I have totally stopped dating or putting myself out there because I feel like in my present form I'm not going to meet anyone. The other day my doctor referred to me as one of his "lightest" patients which made me laugh... I am not light! I want to be healthy and happy. I am now 27 and i do want to get married some day! Yes, I would like to wear beautiful clothes and not feel self conscious at the beach but I really want to be able to start doing horse shows again and be able to run! I want to experience life,that's why I am getting this surgery!
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