Bad breath

on 6/20/11 12:32 am - CT

On this Wed. 6/22/11, I'll be 5 wks. post op, RNY. Yesterday I started fish. Had a wonderful filet grilled.  Question? - anybody notice despite the best of oral care that you seem to have bad breath? This is really irking me, almost driving me crazy? Anyone else?
(deactivated member)
on 6/20/11 12:35 am
i have this problem too.i found that if i used listerine breathe spray and strips it keeps it under control for a doesnt matter how often i use mouth wash or brush my teeth its always there.i hope this helps.
on 6/20/11 12:38 am
Thank you, it does help! I thought I was losing my mind. I carry a toothbrush and toothpaste around now. It was worse when I was drinking the protein shakes. Hopefully this will correct itself. Thank you.
Carrie W.
on 6/20/11 12:38 am - KY
It's from ketosis. I have no idea when it goes away, I'm 11 weeks out and still have it. I use the BA chewable calcium in mint flavor as breath mints. They're like huge altoids.
  HW 347/SW 328/CW 176/GW 160                   
on 6/20/11 12:40 am
Ok, thanks! The mint flavor bothers my tummy, but I'll try a few things.
on 6/20/11 1:36 am
Being 4 months post op, I don't notice it as much as before.  However, with constant liquid sipping and using the breath strips in between times I can't drink, that has helped me :).

Made it to the Century Club!!! Yeah!!

on 6/20/11 5:30 am - AZ
Like Carrie says below it is Ketosis, our body is burning fat. It is a good thing just real nasty. My Dr, told me no gum because if you swallow by accident they have to go in and get it.
on 6/20/11 8:43 am - PA
whew, thank God..  I had no idea what was going on w/ my stank breath..  I hope this passes soon..  My boyfriend was embarrassed to tell me, but he can't take it anymore.  LMAO  I use Altoids. 
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