A Little Thyroid Goes A Long Way (PSA)

Amy R.
on 6/18/11 12:09 am, edited 6/18/11 12:12 am

I've been asked to post about this due to my recent experience with Hypothyroidism.  I hope it can help someone else as much as I've been helped.

A few months ago, I started feeling a little, IDK, "off".  I've been clinically depressed for a long time, so I figured it was just another dip in my moods.  My nephrologist had taken some blood for a kidney function test and when it came back he asked me if I'd had any  symptoms of thyroid trouble.  He listed them off, I'd had a couple but not many and to be honest, had too much other stuff on my plate medically to really worry about it at the time.  I figured my PCP or surgeon would catch it in my other blood tests if it were really an issue.  The nephrologist made a statement that I'd probably be on Synthroid in a couple of months.  I remember thinking, "Not likely.  I am NOT going to take another pill.,"  and I just filed it away and forgot about it.

Fast forward to the last six weeks or so.  I put on over 15 pounds within 3 weeks.  It was a shock (and not in a good way) to see THAT number on the scale again, but I figured it was my "rebound" or "bounceback" weight; I am 2 1/2 years out so it was about time for that to show up.  And I'd read here on OH that it happens fairly suddenly when your body decides it's had enough of the effects of malabsorpton.  (the malabsorption ending doesn't happen suddenly, but I'd heard the weight gain seems to come on all of a sudden).  I put all my efforts into not letting that 15 or so pounds  become any more than that, but still and all was not terribly surprised or upset.

Then Lithia posted about this time about having symptoms of hypothyroidism.  Everything all of a sudden fell into place.  I had more symptoms than I'd had when I'd seen the nephrologist back in February.  I made an appointment with my PCP.  I definately was not into taking another pill, but I like being relatively healthy and have worked on being more vigilant with my health in the last year so I figured I'd better have it checked out.  I certainly did not think it would help with the weight gain other than maybe to assist in keeping me from gaining more.

Last Friday I started on a small (50mcg) dose of Synthroid.  To cut to the chase:  as of this morning, six days later, I have lost 16 pounds.  That's one-six.  In six days.  I log my food so I am positive my eating has not changed; if anything, I have consumed more calories this last week than in the last month because I still am not getting in enough protein (I am now supposed to try to get in 150 grams per day-cant seem to get my levels up where they need to be).  I'm sure some of it is water, but I think it's fascinating how quickly my body seemed to correct itself.  Apparently, my metabolism had gotten quite out of whack.

The best part though - I have my energy back.  I feel good again.  I am still struggling with the depression but it's not  exacerbated anymore by that awful slow, sluggish feeling.  Even if the weight hadn't fallen back off, I'd be thrilled to be feeling better, although believe me, I'll certainly take the weight loss! 

Anywho, bottom line, if you have any of these symptoms you may want to see your doc and have some blood drawn:

  • Weight gain
  • Dry skin
  • Yellow skin
  • Hair loss, including the eyebrows
  • Swollen face, hands, legs, ankles or feet
  • Feeling cold
  • Aches and pains in muscles or joints
  • Hoarse or raspy voice
  • Constipation
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding or irregular periods
  • Fatigue
  • Slower thinking
  • Trouble remembering things
  • Slower speech or movement
  • Feeling down or depressed
Please be aware that a therapeutic dose of Synthroid in a person with a normally functioning thyroid will NOT induce weight loss.  Synthroid should NEVER, EVER be used as a weight loss mechanism or in conjunction with appetite suppressants.  You'll give yourself a heart attack, literally, or worse.

Enjoy your Saturday, everyone.  And best of luck on each of your journeys. 

This has just been another reminder to me that it IS a journey and that we always need to remain vigilant about changes in our bodies, even when we are in maintenance.=)
on 6/18/11 12:20 am, edited 6/18/11 12:28 am
My lightbulb was weight gain for me. This was the reason for my weight sticking along with roids in my meds from a previous surgery as some of u know already. I posted this in my story on my page. I never ate round the clock nor snacked a lot and I knew something was wrong because I stayed the same weight from 1996 to 2005. I take one pill for my hypothy but still have tired moments. I can't wait to get closer to having my rny. This extra weight I carried for 6 years is a bummer but I still have confidence and love to dress.

       I know what i'm doing,I have it all planned-plans to give you the future you hope for.Jeremiah 29:11(The Message)
With God's Will, I was approved!


on 6/18/11 12:21 am - AL
Thanks for that information.  My pre-op labs showed elevated thyroid levels on 6/8.  My Bariatric Navigator (I chuckle every time I use that title, it just seems odd.  ha ha   ) says that they will test it again post-op and may have me follow up with my PCP, who has already been notified, as they were comparing previous labs and found that I had never had low or elevated thyroid levels.  I have had some of those symptoms, but chalked it off to the rest of the drama going on in my life.  Who knows, it may be, but good to have that information.  Thanks!

                  "When you know better, you do better." ~Maya Angelou~

BW 334.4 / CW: 227 / GW 180             
Lady Lithia
on 6/18/11 12:23 am
Awww I'm glad I provided a SPUR to get you moving on being tested.... alas I still haven't seen my doc.... accidentally missed the appointment. Another week from Monday before I can see his PCP and two more weeks after taht before I can see my PCP himself. Urgh.

  • Weight gain --I've been strugglign to maintain and gaining a little bit evvery day even when I cut back on my calories.
  • Dry skin - Yup
  • Yellow skin - Hard to say, but my complexion is a bit sallow anyway
  • Hair loss, including the eyebrows - double check on this one, I've been losing hair for a loooong time.
  • Swollen face, hands, legs, ankles or feet I hadn't read about this one.... I've thought that my face was a lot pudgier recently, with swollen legs/ankles. But hands haven't been, I constantly marvel at their elegant veiny thinness.
  • Feeling cold - I've been feeling HOT HOT HOT (except in the winter when I"m COLD COLD COLD without fail..... but it IS 110 degrees here) 
  • Aches and pains in muscles or joints - This one is KILLING me.... I can't open a zip-loc baggie without my hands freaking hurting me like crazy
  • Hoarse or raspy voice - I have chronic laryngitis from my GERD damage when I had it... and I'm naturally quiet in the summer so am not speaking much, but this is a triple check, though the reason might have nothing to do with my thyroid.
  • Constipation - I have many things i do to combat constipation, and have been mostly successful. I still take narcotic pain pills for my chronic pain issue, so cannot be certain of the cause But since I do so much to fight it (miralax, fiber, flax-seed oil) I'm holding my own.
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding or irregular periods Triple check, three times the normal duration, twice as often
  • Fatigue - Yup yup yup.... oh that's me all right. Yesterday I spent three hours at the zoo, and today I feel flattened. Last year I spent 8 hours at the zoo, followed by 8 hours kayaking the next day, and 8 hours of strenuous highest-difficulty-rating hiking the following day, and was less tired at the end of any one of those days than I feel today after only three hours of walking.
  • Slower thinking - With my stepson visiting we've been playing board games.... hubby and son both know that they can't rely on me to count spaces on the board.... I get it wrong every time.
  • Trouble remembering things _ I forgot the appointment to see the doc to get my thyroid checked.....how stupid is that?
  • Slower speech or movement - Yep
  • Feeling down or depressed - Yes.... and I've been having volatile mood swings that are NOT typical for me. I literally don't recognize the wicked witch I've become some days.
Now, could it be perimenopause causing this? I'm 42. I wonder. Could it be down to a raging out of control Reactive Hypoglycemia? I don't know. (That seems better under control if I eat something with fat and protein often)

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

T. Deeds
on 6/18/11 2:29 am
I've been dealing with hypothryoidism for more than 15 years and let me say that taking replacement thyroid medication can make such a difference in your health and how you feel.  If anyone suspects they might have low thyroid hormone, they should go to the doctor, because it's so simple to diagnose and treat.  For me, they symptoms were tiredness, missing periods, mild depression, feeling cold, brittle nails and weight gain.  The weight gain was exacerbated by the depression and tiredness because I never felt like exercising or cooking, so  I would just order take out most nights and eat really unhealthily. 


on 6/18/11 4:34 am - FL
I have been Hypo Thyriod for 12 year, after I had my surgery I had a test and my meds had to be adjusted, we found out that I need to crush my pills, and I was retetsted last week and with crushing my pills I'm getting the meds that I need, so if you are on synthryiod already and your numbers are high try crushing the pills for 6 weeks and get re tetsted....

Alicia G.
on 6/18/11 4:41 am - Beavercreek, OH
 I could have written Terri's post.  I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 18 years ago.  I was being treated for depression.  When they sent me to see a psychatrist, she asked to have my blood tested and immediately diagnosed me hypothyroid.  I've been on thyroid meds ever since.  My symptoms were depression, dry skin & hair, always cold, extreme tiredness and lethargy and horrible constipation.  Being on synthroid has totally cleared up all of those symptoms!  Of course since this surgery, I have had constipation 10 times worse than it was before.  Recently I also got the tiredness and lethargy back and it turns out my Vitamin D was super low, but that can also mimick the symptoms of hypothyroidism.  I actually had an appt. to check my thyroid levels and they discovered my low Vit. D.   I agee with Amy R. we need to remain super diligent on our health through this journey.


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 6/18/11 5:15 am, edited 6/18/11 5:15 am - OH
Even if someone is experiencing only a COUPLE of the symptoms you list, it is worth the cost of the blood test to get the thyroid checked out.  I take Synthroid because I had the thryoid oblation (radioactive iodine) in 1990 when I had a severe case of Grave's Disease and none of the meds were working at all.  Yet, when my thyroid levels plummeted -- and keep in mind that we were EXPECTING them to plummet -- I had only a couple of the symptoms (feeling VERY cold, muscle cramping, dry skin, and fatigue). 

I take 175mcg /day, which is a pretty high dose, but that's what ti takes to get my levels normal (and, as you have discovered, even just a small amount of supplementation to get your levels "right" can make a world of difference).

I am VERY glad that you pointed out that taking thyroid supplements if you don't need them (or taking more than needed) will NOT result in weight loss, but can be quite dangerous.  When your thyroid levels are too high all sorts of BAD things can happen (and you will NOT lose weight until the levels are dangerously high and probably causing problems with daily functioning)!


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

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