Pain Near Hernia Repair

on 6/5/11 5:04 pm
First off, I plan on calling my surgeon tomorrow if it doesn't get better and I will call him right away if it gets worse.
For the past few days I have been experiencing pain about 2 to 3 inches to the left of where I had an incisional hernia repaired about 6 weeks ago.
I would say it's about a 7 on a 1 to 10 scale.  Not unbearable but uncomfortable to say the least.  I did finally take some of my left over pain medication a little bit ago so I can sleep.
I don't think it's an obstruction since I am not having any problems going.  Could it be some kind of scar tissue or adhesions?  I am assuming it is related to my hernia repair since it is close to where I had it but I guess it could be unrelated, too.
I never had any pain after the surgery so this is new.  Has anyone had anything like this?  If it is normal then maybe I don't need to call the doctor?

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 6/5/11 7:26 pm - CT
I personally have not had a hernia repair, but one of my coworkers had to have one and they put in this special mesh which they tacked in with sutures. Immediately afterwards and for weeks she had a good amount of pain with one of those internal sutures being too tight and pulling when she moved. They finally had to go back in and snip that suture. She says she still sometimes gets a twinge around that area if she moves wrong.
on 6/6/11 1:51 am - grand rapids, MI
I had a small hernia repair done when I had my RNY. I didn't even know I had a hernia but apparently they found it when they went in and said ti was caused when I had my gallbladder out 8 months before. Ever since the surgery & the repair I would get these pains in the area where they did the repair. Nothing right away but as time went on it would come and go. Nothing horrible but twinges every so often. I told the PA on a check up and he said that it's common and it's probably scar tissue. Not sure where yours is but mine was by my belly button and the hanging panni seemed to aggrivate the pain. Once I had my tummy tuck and had that hanging skin I haven't had that pain again.
Sara B.
on 6/6/11 1:56 am - Edenton, NC
I had my wls surgery 6 weeks ago Wed. I also had an umbilical hernia repair and can honestly tell you I still hurt from the hernia. My surgeon told me that I would feel great after 2 weeks and could go back to work (if I didn't have a physically demanding job which I do) after 3 weeks. When I woke up from surgery I was in tears from the pain and thats when he told me he found a hernia and I would hurt really bad for weeks and my recovery would be much longer. My work has given me an extra month because I can't stand for longer than 10 minutes without hurting where the hernia was. It doesn't bring me totally down but it def. effects my mood because by now I wanted to be on top of the world and excersising like crazy. It's all I can do to do daily tasks like washing clothes, going to the grocery store, taking a shower. I had to hire someone to come clean my house this weekend because I sure as heck can't do it yet and my husband (bless his heart) can't keep up with work, cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry! I laid in bed one night and cried because I needed pain meds and my surgeon told me I couldn't have any more. So I know how you feel. It SUCKS!!!! 
on 6/6/11 8:00 pm - Suffern, NY
I am really sorry you are going through this. I am sorry to say this but your surgeon should be reported to the medical board for being in humane.  No surgeon should knowing a patient is in that pain post op, especially when there were complications during surgery and then deny them pain meds.  Have you been to your Primary care physician and explained your situation?  You shouldn't be suffering like this.  Believe me I understand.  I have had several complications requiring 4 major surgeries and almost died since Oct. 2010.  Thankfully I came through (didn't think so at the time but I am better now except for the pain and a few minor issues) When I came out of the hospital, the pain management staff at the hospital I was in in NYC gave me really strong pain killer and at a really high dose but I was in horrible pain - I had just had an illiostomy reversed.  I was taking the pain killers every 3 hours.  The final surgery was in Feb.  Since then, I was getting my pain meds from my surgeon for about a month and then she asked me to ask my pain management doctors to follow me from there since I have been going to pain management for years.  So, I went the next week to pain management and he was okay with it.  He wanted me to cut it a little faster than I was able but when I said I couldn't, he was okay with it.  So, when I came home I was on 14mg every 3 hours and now I am on 4 mg, 3 times per day.  So, granted I still need to get off the actual drug I am on and get on something less strong but he is still willing to give it to me as long as I need it.  I have still have horrendous pain most days and I dont' understand why it is taking so long but the surgeon says it takes time  - it was major surgery.  I cant have any clothes touch my abdomen, so no elastic waist pants and when I wear my jeans or capris - I have to wear them unzipped.  Even my underwear hurts after a couple of hours and I have to pu**** down.  When I am lying down, sitting up is very painful and standing up hurts most of the time too.  If I eat too much, my stomach swells and pulls on the incision and then I want to cry.

Please ask your PCP for pain meds and don't suffer or go to a pain management clinic.


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