Approved in 1 day....Yippeeee

on 5/24/11 5:24 am
Paperwork was just submitted on Friday and I  received approval Monday afternoon.  I am totally shocked that it happened so fast!  Waiting on my blood work to come back before they will give me a surgery date.  I'm so happy, nervous, scared and every other emotion there is out there.  My daughters are very happy and supportive of me, but I wish my husband was.  He thinks to have surgery "that you don't really need" is crazy.  If I would just get off my butt and watch what I eat.  Well, if it was that simple, I would have done it years ago.  If it was that easy, then there wouldn't be any fat people out there........
1Haute Diva
on 5/24/11 5:49 am - Fort Stewart, GA
RNY on 03/20/12
Congrats on the quick approval!!! And so sorry the hubby doesn't understand. And you're so right, if it were as easy as getting up and watching what you eat there would be no need for WLS .
- Shaw
on 5/24/11 8:48 am - WI
 I too got my approval really fast.  Like in 3 hours.  I was prepared to wait too because I had no co-morbidities, just my BMI was 43, so even that not too bad. :)

Your husband isn't supportive because he is afraid, or doesn't know what to expect.  Make sure you fully educate him, take him to your preop appointments.  He will come around hopefully.

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