LIght headed please help.

Deborah Prince
on 5/11/11 11:52 pm - MA
Hi all,

For over a few weeks now i have been very lightheaded.  It comes in waves like i need to stand still for a minute until it passes.  I have been to the ER and called my doc but they cant find anything.  Im at the point  now that I dont even want to call and ask any more.  I've come to the conclusion that I wont go to the ER unless I pass out cause  they cant find anything wrong.  Is it in my head im sooo frustrated and sad.  They did find trace amounts of blood in my stool but they said my blood work came out ok.  Im at my wits end. Any help would be appreciated thank you for all you guys do :-)

God Bless

psx chelly
on 5/12/11 12:02 am

Is your blood pressure too low?  Is your blood sugar level too low?  Is your blood sugar level too high?  Do you only get light headed if stand up too fast?  Do you get light headed if you bend over too fast?  Are you eating the correct amount of food?  Are you depriving yourself of anything?  Water?

It could all just be part of the healing process.  I was light headed for a little over 2 weeks after surgery.  I started to feel "normal" about the end of the 3rd week.  Mine was due to drinking liquids for 3 weeks, and I was not eating protein and puree food after I was told to start puree food.

Once I started eating the correct amount of food and protein it started to go away.
on 5/12/11 12:03 am
Have you checked your blood pressure?  Did you have high blood pressure before surgery, and are you still taking meds?

How is your liquid intake?  Dehydration has caused me to get light headed before.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


on 5/12/11 12:03 am - OR
How is your water intake? Blood pressure?

I had wonderful blood pressure before WLS, now it's really low, that can cause me to feel lightheaded. Not all the time, but in certain situations. Is there some way you could get a bp cuff and test yourself at home when you have the lightheaded reaction?

Are you on the dehydrated side? That could cause the same thing. Do you need to up your liquids?

Ht. 5'2  HW 234/GW 150/LW 128/CW 132 
Size 18/20 to a size 4 in 9 months!

Deborah Prince
on 5/12/11 12:05 am, edited 5/12/11 12:05 am - MA
My blood pressure is fine 140/60  My blood sugar was at 135 when they checked it at the ER.  and Yes every time I make any kind of move, weather it be from sitting to standing, bending, turning i get that wave of woa.
 I think I am eating ok...i Pretty much only eat protein and drink enough liquids.  I take my vitamins every day and calcium with D.  I have had issues with my colon in the past im wondering if its acting up again.

on 5/12/11 12:07 am
 Are you getting in your fluids? Dehydration will cause you  to get light headed as well.
  HW-352                        SW-326                        GW-160                       CW-221
1MO- 298                     4MO-243                       7MO-                          10MO-  
2MO- 280                     5MO-224                       8MO-                           11MO-
3MO- 257                     6MO-221                       9MO-                              1YR- 
MORBID           SEVERE           OBESE           OVERWEIGHT           NORMAL                       
Deborah Prince
on 5/12/11 12:09 am - MA
Cant they tell if you are dehydrated from blood work? 

on 5/12/11 12:26 am - Spring Hill, TN
No they can't tell that from bloodwork.  Dehydration has landed me in the ER twice and the light-headedness was always my first sign.  Now I know NOT to ignore it.  Push harder with your fluids first...if that doens't help go from there...but most of the time that was it for me.  I get pretty severe vertigo with TOM also--once again--it's fluids. 
Deborah Prince
on 5/12/11 12:29 am - MA
Thank you I will try and push more fluids to see if that helps....i think if i go to the ER one more time they are gonna say GET OUT lol.

H.A.L.A B.
on 5/12/11 1:05 am
A lot of us got that early post op. As you losing weight the blood volume changes, how much pressure there is on the blood vessels and many time we get "postural hypotention" (google that).   I had that for a while, and many of my friends.
Eventually it gets better. 
 I still get that once in a while. Now it is mostly when I get dehydrated. Not much - but enough to cause that. 
Once I added more salt (good quality of salt) to my diet - I was able to limit that. But a few days of low salt intake - and I am back to same symptoms. 


Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

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