I've made a deal with myself

Hope V.
on 5/1/11 10:43 pm - MN
As many of you know I have been struggling with eating right the last few weeks so I have made a deal with myself. Being that I have always been sort of a rebel and even told I cant have something I not only get what I cant have but enjoy it in abundace so I have decided that Monday thru Saturday I have to strictly adhere to my plan and I can have little to no carbs/sugars but on Sunday it is no holds barred nothing is off limits. Now I know that some may not agree with this and I am not recomending anyone else do this but it will work for me and it is better than the alternative which has been eating with shamefull abandon everyday of the week. I know what your thinking what if I go crazy on Sunday and eat everything is sight? Well yesterday was the first day I did this and I did over do it and I can assure you I will not do that again! I was so sick that I considered making myself vomit for releif from the pain lesson learned  

on 5/1/11 10:57 pm
I'm a moderation person - so you're not going to get any lectures from me.  I am a bit concerned though that you are still acting like you're on a diet.  I don't do the good food/bad food thing.  I don't count carbs or calories -- just protein.  Once I meet my protein goals, I can essentially have what I want.  I usually indulge in carbs -- 90% of the time I go with healthy carbs, like fruit. 

Just remember, you aren't on a diet.  This is a lifestyle change -- and you need to keep it up for life.

High Weight 278; consult weight 234; Surgery Weight 219 Surgeon's Goal Weight 150 -10/27/10  -  Personal goal weight 140 - Achieved 12/11/10  
on 5/1/11 10:59 pm - Miami, FL
 Of course, you need to do whatever you need to do, but for me, if I start to eat sweets, I want more more more...same thing with carbs. For me, it's easier to avoid sweets and carbs as much as I can, and when I can't, not to be too rough on myself, but I wouldn't set myself up for failing on this big lifestyle change by allowing myself to have one day of no holds barred - that would be way too open for my overeating tendencies to deal with. And as we all know from years and years of overindulging...one day leads to one day and a little and then two days and then what's the harm in a little snack here or there...I couldn't do it, but good luck to you.
Hope V.
on 5/1/11 11:09 pm - MN
I completely hear what you are saying but I am just the opposite because I am a goal orientated person I need the golden nugget so to speak, I also get overwhelemed with long term goals so I need to make them short term and then have them lead to the long term goal. For instance I set a goal when I had surgery to be 250 # by March (reached), 200 by August and 170 by november  but my ultimate goal is 170 by my year anniversary.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 5/1/11 11:15 pm - OH
I was going to respond with exactly what Laura already said, so "ditto".

I think it's great that you can recognize that you have that "rebel" inside you (I have it, too.. the best way to guarantee that I would eat something was for me to promise myself -- on the myraid of diets that  I tried pre-op -- that I would NOT eat it!), and many people (myself included) have been able to be successful with a "moderation" approach to eating.

BUT... In addition to the concern that you are approaching what NEEDS to be a lifestyle change with an old diet mentality, my other concern is that you are "giving in" (as far as learning new, healthy eating habits) too early in the process.  I am almost 4 years out and I use periodic "free days" where my only concern with what I eat is getting the minimum protein.  I did not start doing this until I was at goal (at almost 2 years out), though, and I can tell you that after I have one of my "free days", it is sometimes hard to go back to my normal eating routine the next day... and at so far out, I have a pretty well esatblished eating routine!  Honestly, I cannot imagine that having a "free day" one day EVERY week, when you do NOT yet have well-established healthy eating routine, would be a very successful approach long term.  One your malabsorption ends and you are in maintenance (when gaining weight can happen even more easily than before you ahd the surgery), having a "free day" every week could be all it takes to start the weight "creep".

You know yourself best, but I would strongly encourage you to rethink your decision to adopt this approach and to really focus more on developing those healthy habits (and dealing with the urges to eat the less healthy foods).  I think you will be more successful in the long run.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Hope V.
on 5/2/11 1:29 am - MN
Thank you and Laura both for you advice and I will take your suggestions into concideration. The other problem I have is that the only thing I am consistant at is being inconsistant. Before I found otu I dont dump I had no problem not eating sugar but when I found out completely by accident I have had a hard time avoiding sugar, When I do snack it is usually something like cheese n crackers or string cheese but I have also been known to eat chips, and candy, . The reason I choose Sunday is actually pretty simple. I dont not keep cookies,candy,chips or regular soda in my house and I am gone most of the day on Sunday so I dont have time to get bored hence no idiol mind. I am more tempted to eat "bad" foods at work as I am in a call center so I dont not bring money to work and try to keep healthier choices in my desk. I realize this is a lifestyle change and I am taking baby steps thats why i come on here

(deactivated member)
on 5/2/11 12:46 am - Boston, MA
 When I was on Weigh****chers that's how I did it.. I would be good 6 days a week and then eat whatever I wanted on Saturday's it worked for me and I lost 60 lbs in 5 months and kept it off for 5 yrs.. then I started being bad on more than one day!  I plan to have a similar plan after I get to goal.. eat healthy all week and then on Saturday not be so strict and enjoy myself going out ect.  No one can be perfect everyday!  but I wouldn't gorge myself to the point of being ill, I hope you feel better!!
on 5/2/11 1:35 am - Portland, OR
No lectures here. I think that everything can be done in moderation.  You can give yourself a "free" day. Just dont eat so much!!! Maybe a bite or two? 
Hope V.
on 5/2/11 1:51 am - MN
I know right. I knew as I was eating it that I was going to be sick but I didnt stop!!! at least it was because I ate a whole 4 oz chicken breast  (I was really hungry) and then tried to eat the cookies about 45 mins later

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