An 80 year old woman goes to her doctor for a check up...

on 4/16/11 12:13 am - Alexandria, VA
An 80 year old woman goes to her doctor for her annual check up. She's known her doctor for years and soon they begin chatting like old friends.  He asks her about her husband, kids, grandchildren and how she is feeling.   She tells him that everyone is thriving but she finds that she's having a hard time coping with the ever-present self reflection so common to people as they get older.   She explains that while her life thus far has been very fulfilling and she has no regrets for the decisions she made to raise her family, she does regret not finishing college.  Her doctor tells her, "Well go back to school!".   The woman replies,  "I'm too old.  It's going to take three years for me to finish the classes I need. Do you realize I'd be 83 years old by the time I graduated?!!"  Her wise doctor and friend simply asks, "How old will you be in three years if you DON'T go back to school?"

I think I read that as a teenager once upon a time in a Readers Digest or other but it's stuck with me all these years as excellent wisdom.  It's never to late to pursue your dreams.    If you are on the fence about surgery or some other major decision.... think it through carefully, get the proper advice, think it through again and then make a decision, whether that decision is yes or no.  We tend to regret that which we DON'T do more than the ocassional mistake we might make along the way.  

I love my RNY!
Karen O.
on 4/16/11 12:29 am - Weirton, WV
I LOVE THAT!! That's great! I will definitely have to remember that! Thanks for sharing. It really puts things in perspective!

HW - 340   SW - 320 (3/15/11)   CW - 225   GW - 150       
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