Counting Calories

on 4/1/11 10:37 am - Raleigh, NC
Probably about a month ago my nutritionist told me that I should be taking in about 1000 calories and no more than 100 carbs a day. 

Well, today I was very meticulous about recording everything.  Turns out I (before supper) consumed 1380 calories, and 135 grams of carbs.  Plus 98 grams of protein...but you can't get enough of that. 
Looking at those numbers basically makes me feel like a failure, and that I'm not going to use anymore weight because my old habits are ALREADY resurfacing.

In the beginning it was so great, I didn't even care about food!! Now I've resumed using it to deal with everything from boredom to stress. 

I thought Roux-en-Y was supposed to be malabsorptive too???  So why do I have to be so incredibly stressed about what I eat.  I mean, I KNOW it's not easy, but isn't one of the reason we all got this surgery was too make food consumption worries an afterthought?  I know that sounds bad, but hopefully you know what I mean.    
I'm so stressed out! I don't want to fail....but I feel like I've already set myself up for it, and I'm only  4 months out!

Input would be soooo much appreciated..... :(
Price S.
on 4/1/11 10:44 am - Mills River, NC
Youve done a great job so far and you can keep it up.  My plan doesn't have us count calories but we eat 1/4c protein, 1/4c veggies, 4-5 x a day, plus 1-2 protein drinks.  That is never 1000 calories.  And between that and getting in my fluids, I always have something in my hand/mouth. 
You certainly should have been told that this isn't a cureall.  These first months are to teach us how to eat, and that is suppose to be how we eat forever.  If you go back to your old habits, you will end up right back where you were.  it's a tool, not a magic bullet.

    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat  66 yrs young, 4'11"  hw  220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance

Between 35-40 BMI? join us on the Lightweight board.  the Lightweight Board

on 4/1/11 10:53 am - Raleigh, NC
Thank you! I know it's not a magic bullet....I wasn't trying to sound like that's what I think it is.  I'm just not very confident mostly because every attempt I've made in the past has failed.  I'm just scared....My nutritionist can't tell me enough times what to do...I still won't be too confident. 

I've still cut out sugar (except from fresh fruit) haven't touched anything bu****er, and haven't eaten anything fried.  Ugh...Idk
on 4/1/11 11:36 am - San Antonio, TX
These are the rules I follow: 

No more than 20 grams of Fat per day

Must eat at least 60 grams of Protein a day

No more than 100 grams Carbohydrate per day

No more than 15 grams of Sugar per meal (Sugar is a Carbohydrate)

Drink 48-64 ounces fluids a day

Stop drinking Water 30 minutes before a meal

Begin drinking Water 30 minutes after a meal

Eat 3 meals a day (no further than 4-6 hours apart)

3-6 Months After Surgery: eat 600-700 calories a day

6-9 Months After Surgery: eat 800-900 calories a day

9-12 Months After Surgery: eat 1000 calories a day

12-18 Months After Surgery: eat 1200 calories a day

18 Months-On After Surgery: eat Maintenance calories (BMR & Activity Level)
P.S. Malabsorption of calories lasts 18-24 months approximately. 

Age at RNY: 55, Height: 5'4", Consultation Weight: 331 lbs-12/1/2009, RNY Surgery Weight: 281 lbs-3/22/2010, Goal Weight Reached: 141 lbs-6/23/2011, Lowest Weight: 126 lbs-12/11/2011

Current Age: 61, Current Weight: 161 lbs-5/20/2016Total Weight Loss Maintained: 170 lbs  


on 4/1/11 12:33 pm
You are doing fine, tracking is great as a way to keep an eye on things, but not something to feel a failure about! I can eat ALOT of carbs (i.e, Doritos) - dense protein? Not so much. Fills me up. Calorically, dense/lean protein give you so much more bang for your calories buck. So as long as I always try to make every meal mostly protein, I don't count calories or fat, only protein and carbs. Since we malabsorb fat, I think it's OK to get a little more in. Carbs, however, we absorb 100% of the calories from, so it makes sense to keep an eye on those. Especially since they go down easy. Sigh.

on 4/1/11 1:07 pm - Raleigh, NC
Thank you all so much for your feed back! I had no idea we absorb all carbs...probably why my nutritionist wants me to keep it under 100 a day! NO WONDER! I eat less than 10 grams of sugar (if that) per meal, and ALWAYS focus on protein...which is why I get almost 100 grams every day! I'm pretty proud of that.  My nutritionist told me to eat 1000 calories a day because I box/kickbox 3 days a week, plus the elevator is broke at work (I work on the 4th floor) and I'm on my feet for a large percent of my 12 hour day. 

Normabee...I feel like you and I are on the same page.  That is very comforting to know...our doc and NUT must follow the same guidlines.  I haven't lost any weight in what seems like about a month...I'[m discouaged by that...regardless of how many people say that "stalling" is totally normal.  I just want to be below 200 lbs. !! I'm going to FREAK out when that happens!! I could just cry thinking about it.  Wow I'm rambling...rough day.

I guess I will try to sleep off this anxiety, and start fresh tomorrow! Thanks again everyone!
on 4/1/11 10:47 pm
Stalls ARE normal. Horrible, but normal.

I had one about that long at about 5 or 6 months too! Hang in there.

Also, that's great that you are not eating much sugar. But I think even 100 grams of carbs is high - I think I was at around 40-50g per day at around the time you are - but I was also slacking on the exercise and sit on my ass all day at work, ha. Even so, maybe try cutting back on those a little to around 75-80g but keep your calories up by adding a little more fat. I highly recommend cheese, delicious cheese.

Good luck!
on 4/2/11 4:37 am
 Food consumption, worries or not, is far from an afterthought. On the contrary, mindfulness about what we eat, when and how much is paramount to our long-term success.  It is the mindlessness that has gotten many of into our morbidly obese states in the first place.  

You are not a failure.  This is a journey on which much learning takes place as well as much change.  It doesn't happen overnight, but the goal of each day should be to move you forward.  If you stumble, you stumble.  We are not perfect and we all have are challenges.  Sometimes we meet them head on and conquer them and sometimes they win the battle. The VICTORY, however, belongs to us if we want it.  So, reassess what you are doing.  Consult with your nut if you need to.  Make the necessary changes and embrace the next day.

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