What do I take to the hospital with me

on 3/28/11 12:39 pm - camp lejeune, NC
Hey guys, as most of you already know I have Lap Rny tomorrow and I was wonderin what are the must haves and the do's and donts to take to the hospital??Please advise??
Lady Lithia
on 3/28/11 12:41 pm
lip balm

pillow for drive home

cell phone adn charger

LOOSE clothes to come home in

Book to ignore.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 3/28/11 12:48 pm - camp lejeune, NC
lol thanks
AmyBeth :)
on 3/28/11 3:54 pm - Fort Smith, AR
What Lith said and some house shoes I started walking 2 hours after surgery and never quit and a hair brush and pony tail holders too................and a tooth brush.

on 3/28/11 7:52 pm
Lip Balm
Some very loose (elastic) sweat pants or shorts and underwear.  Depending on where your holes are, you may not want to wear them or wear them under your belly.  I made the mistake of putting the elastic over my wounds...ick!
I brought my lap top, which was great cause my hospital charged extra for TV but had free Wi Fi so I watched Netflix and posted on FB all the time:)
I went home in the clothes I came in.
Good luck to you and make sure you walk walk walk after to get the gas out...oh and buy some Gas X for home...it will help get the gas desolved too:)

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