Dumping advice please.......

on 3/22/16 10:12 pm

Rny peeps. I am really freaked out by this dumping thing and have been told the only revisional surgery I can have is bypass. I'm ok with that but I really want to know realistic guidelines for avoiding dumping. I've read nothing over 10 grams of sugar or dumping will occur. Seems realistic and doable. Any words of advice or good reading materials out there on this?

on 3/24/16 5:06 pm - Vancouver, WA

Only 1/3 of bypassers dump so there is no guarantee you will dump anyway.

on 3/24/16 6:33 pm - Coram, NY

My nutritionist set my guidelines ar no more than 25g of sugar. I was revised from lap band (in 2007) to RNY at the end of October '15. So far no known dumping - I've had some stomach discomfort very infrequently, but don't think/know if that's dumping. However, I'm not pushing the limit and am following the rules. For now the thought of dumping is helping me keep on track. Good luck to you!

on 3/28/16 7:43 pm
Revision on 03/16/16

I just had a revision from a band to RNY and I've had some dumping syndrome. I'm trying to find that sweet spot of exactly what I can eat without causing it. I would recommend staying away from anything with too much sugar. However, I seem to tolerate regular jello ok, but that's pushing it. 


If anyone has any advice I'd love to hear it. So far it's happened to me a couple of times.

on 3/30/16 8:05 am

How has your weight loss been?  I know sugar and carbs will be a no no after surgery. And a good guideline will be nothing over 10 grams of sugar.  Many seem to know they are super carb sensitive and this surgery assists with solving that if you use it (as a tool) properly for life. As a revision patient at 51 years I know to expect slower weight loss and stick to the rules!

on 4/7/16 8:21 am

Dumping was the best thing that happened to me- kept me on task! I was terrified to eat sugar or overeat for fear of dumping!


on 6/2/16 6:16 am

So I know this thread is a little old, but I am 3 weeks post op rny.  I don't know what I was thinking, but I decided when the soft food stage kicked in, that salami would be soft enough to tolerate.  This was a horrid mistake.

I thought I got away with pulling a fast one on my body; I ate it, chewed it up thoroughly and then swallowed it.  No ill effects.  Then like 4 hours later, trying to go to bed; I think the full-on dumping started.  I had full-blown heart palpitations, gas pain, hot flashes and sweats alternating like a light switch flipping on and off.  I had the heater blasting, then moments later the a/c blasting.  My wife was so concerned for me, I confessed to having eaten a piece of salami.  

Never the #### again.  This will make you compliant one way or another, the direct negative stimuli of feeling physically ill is enough to take all pleasure out of eating prohibited foods... 

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