looking into a revision

megan pagliughi
on 12/4/13 2:46 pm - larksville, PA

hey its been a year or so since i have been on this website! after i did fertility meds and got pregnant i gained about 50 lbs and it isnt coming off! plus i keep getting strictures...im looking into a revision but i have no clue where to start any help would be great!

on 12/7/13 11:01 pm - Buffalo, NY
Revision on 01/21/13

I started with making an appointment with my surgeon's office. I had a good conversation and he listened. We then came up with a game plan. 

January 8, 2007 - RNY - HW: 285, LW: 135

January 21, 2013 - Revision - Distal RNY: HW: 235, CW: 135


on 12/8/13 11:51 am

I suggest you go to your original surgeon if possible and see what they say. Maybe a revision is not what you  need but discuss it with them and see what they think. Good luck, I kniw it sounds scary but if they are a good doctor they will not judge you but only help you.

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