
Sherry-Lynn L.
on 7/26/12 12:21 am - Barrie, Canada

Shaelyn is holding her own still.  No surgery today either, they were full.  She is off of one of her heavy heart medications as well as the sedative.  I don't know what is better though, seeing her not move, or seeing her try to cry (can't because of the tubes and ventilator) pout and give her frustrated look.  It breaks my heart, it really, really does.  Then she opens her eyes when we talk to her and she looks for us.  It is so sad to see my baby girl so sick.  We are hoping she will have surgery soon, it is hard waiting especially since we were told that the medications won't work forever, so sitting here waiting is torture.  I will try to post some pictures this evening when we get back to our living quarters.  I can't do it here from the hospital. I will take some new ones today and I will post her baptism one from her baptism on Sunday.  Other than that, things are stable for now, if you all don't mind, please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Love Hugs and Kisses

Mommy, Daddy & Shaelyn


DD July 9th, 2012 7lbs 1oz

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers








(deactivated member)
on 7/26/12 12:58 am
I'm still praying for you all! I hope she has the needed procedure asap and that the lord blesses the drs and nurses hands with knowledge and skill as they work to help your baby girl. May you be granted peace through this difficult time, I can't imagine what it must feel like. Its every parents worst nightmare, feeling helpless.
We are praying for her! I am not a very strong person in faith but I believe prayers helps. Can't wait for pics! And pls continue to update us!!!!!!!
Nikki M.
on 7/26/12 1:55 am, edited 7/26/12 1:56 am
I'm glad to hear Shaelyn is hanging in there! It must be beyond frustrating to have to wait for the surgery though. I really hope it happens soon and you don't go crazy waiting!

I'm assuming Shaelyn's heart condition was never caught via routine ultrasound in utero? Its just scary for me to think that things like this can still surprise us these days. I'll be praying for you guys!


Lapband 8/2007. Revised to VSG 10/2010.... 170 pounds lost!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sherry-Lynn L.
on 7/26/12 3:50 am - Barrie, Canada
No, this was not caught via Ultrasound but should have been.  The hospital here has already been in contact with my OB and he is getting my ultrasound pics sent to him to review or something like that.  Our brains are just so overloaded at this moment, hard to keep everything straight.

If it had been diagnosed before she was born she would have had this surgery at a few hours to a few days old, instead of two - three weeks old


DD July 9th, 2012 7lbs 1oz

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers








Nikki M.
on 7/26/12 10:08 am
I'm so sorry the diagnosis was missed on ultrasound :( That is so unfortunate. I hope the person/office that did it will learn a lesson about looking more closely in the future.

Lapband 8/2007. Revised to VSG 10/2010.... 170 pounds lost!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

on 7/26/12 4:56 am
Glad to hear everyone is doing well!  Keeping the prayers coming!

~ Paula
HW/SW/Original Goal/CW/New Goal 
Post WLS baby, born 11/10/11 and 3/20/14

on 7/26/12 5:09 am
I have been thinking about you all wondering how she was doing.  I will cont' to keep your precious angel in my prayers.

on 7/26/12 6:25 am - Rockport, WV
Thank you for the update on baby Shaelyn.  I couldn't imagine seeing that and how exhausted you all must be. I hope she continues to stay strong. I will continue to keep you in my prayers

on 7/27/12 5:02 am - Laßnitzhöhe, Austria
You and Shaelyn are in my thoughts and prayers every day.  I hope the procedure gets done soon so she get get on her road to recovery.  Praying it will be soon, I can't imagine the agony you guys must be going through.

Hugs to you!
on 7/30/12 2:37 am - Santa Ana, CA
Praying for your sweet baby girl!!
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