TTC and Drs Warnings

Brenda E.
on 4/5/11 10:11 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 07/29/09 with

Hello all!  I am nearly 2 years post op from my gastric bypass.  My husband and I have been TTC for the past year and have been unsuccessful.  Recently I had a real heart to heart with my OB/GYN and she has me a bit scared.  She told me that after gastric bypass I CAN have a healthy pregnancy and my baby would be perfectly healthy; however, it would be harmful to my health.  She says this because we dont get all the nutrients from the food and supplements we ingest anymore because of the surgery. 

 So what I am asking is to all those who have had a baby since your weight loss surgery...did it cause medical problems for you afterwards?  I really want to be a mom and experience the joys of pregnancy but at the same time I am concerned for my health.  I had the gastric bypass to regain my health and I don't want to throw that away now!  Any and all advice is welcome!!


on 4/5/11 10:41 pm - Bellevue, NE
What???  I am sorry, but she is obviously misinformed!!!  I have had 2 postop babies and have had NO problems!  My OB had me do extra blood work ups to monitor my blood levels, but every time they were fine.  This is exactly the reason why they do HIGHLY recommend waiting 12-18 months before TTC a baby after having surgery.  In the 1st  year after surgery, it is very difficult to get enough nutrients for your body let alone enough to support another life although I know of women on this board who have gotten pregnant in this time period either on BC or not. 

As long as you as healthy, and your blood levels are good--I say go for it!!!  This is why we all had the surgery, to regain our health!  I tried for 12 years to have a baby, and 2 years after my surgery, I became pregnant with my daughter.  BTW, I only gained 14 pounds with the 1st pregnancy and 2 pounds with the 2nd pregnancy. 

Good luck! 

on 4/5/11 11:30 pm - Douglassville, PA
Sounds like you need a new OB....

on 4/6/11 12:26 am - Sabattus, ME
I, too, think you need a new OB.  You should try to find one that has experience with RNY patients.  There are plenty of women on this board who have had post-op babies and they are doing great.  I was only 12 months out from surgery when I got pregnant by accident (BC pills are not a good idea for us).  So far I am doing great.  This pregnancy is so much easier than my previous one before RNY.  I started out at 251 when I got pregnant, lost down to 237 and have now come back up to about 250.  Obviously I won't know until after the baby is born if I will eventually have any problems but most of the women here have done fine after and I have no reason to think I won't be either.  I am very diligent about taking my vitamins though and you really have to be.  My Dr does not have experience with RNY patients and pregnancy but I am very comfortable with him and he listens to what I have to say and usually will look things up or just go with what I want. 

I wish you good luck!!
on 4/6/11 1:05 am - Canada
 My OB is being an ass about anything I say having to do with my surgery. I actually had to go behind his back and get blood work done by my family dr. No other OB's in my area would take me on because of him. If you can, get one that is more informed for sure! It's very frusterating not being listened to.
Zee Starrlite
on 4/6/11 1:08 am
Forget her because it is not true.  As long as you take care of yourself with supplementing, eating healthy, and exercising you can have a normal pregnancy.

The problem is that after a year if you have not gotten pregnant, is there a problem?  Are you ovulating?  Checked for fertility issues?  It looks like your BMI is still high - for many that affects fertility.  Go to a specialist.  Get your body fit.

I am wishing you all the best.


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 4/6/11 7:12 am


Welcome to the board.  Having read everyone's response - I'd tell you they're all dead on correct.  You need a new dr.  One who's willing to educate herself and not try to use scare tactics on you. CAN experience problems w/pregnancy after WLS - if you are deficient in vits/minerals...but as long as you're taking them, and she's doing her job and checking your labs so you know what to adjust before things go too low...then you and your little one would be fine.  You're in a much better place for having a baby now than you were pre-WLS when you were much heavier. 

Please do yourself a favor and find a dr who is willing to educate themselves about the true facts of your surgery and work with whatever special needs that may arise...but don't give up your dream of having a baby based on one dr's senseless theories.

Best wishes - and I hope to see a BFP from you soon!

 January 2008, 
               July 2008
               December 2008  
               July 2009
               September 2010
               July 2011

Mom to Khaled

on 4/6/11 7:46 am - Allegan, MI
OMG, she don't know what she is talking about!  MANY, MANY, MANY women have had successful, healthy pregnancies and births after having gastric bypass.....myself included!  I would seriously consider finding a new that has experience with gastric bypass patients!  Best of luck in your TTC journey!  I'm hoping you get a BFP in the near future!

 Lilypie - (XOJP)Lilypie - (5Vrv)Lilypie - (DpEi)Lilypie - (qPOc)


on 4/6/11 9:00 am - San Jose, CA
Brenda, first of all... congrats on 2 years post op.  Secondly, run do not walk to go find a new OB!  There are sooooooooooo many women on this board that have had healthy pregnancies after their WLS both during their pregnancies and afterwards.  If you had gastric bypass, yes you have malabsorption issues.  But working with your bari surgeon, nutritionist, and OB during your pregnancy to ensure that you are getting enough nutrients will do wonders.  It's NOT a big deal.  You can and will have a healthy pregnancy.  You'll be fine!
Our little miracle baby boy is on his way!
Lilypie Maternity tickers
on 4/6/11 1:34 pm
RNY on 11/02/10 with

Hi Brenda-
I agree with the other ladies....get a new OB!  She is very misinformed.

BTW- We have the same surgeon....isn't Dr. Halmi fantastic?

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