Abdominoplasty - Now I wear a larger pant size????

on 8/1/14 1:38 pm

Hi -

I had posted this in the wrong forum.  *I am new*  So, someone told me how to get to the plastic surgery board.  So, this is a bit of a re-post.  

I am 7 weeks post-op from a panniculectomy (recently told it was an abdominoplasty) with an anchor cut.  The swelling is down considerably (it just depends on the day).  I was a size 10 in my jeans prior to surgery.  I am now a size 14.  I have not gained any significant weight since surgery.  

 Based on reading the messages of others, most people lose a size or two.  

 My doctor's office had supposedly obtained additional authorizations for the thighs, breasts, and arms.  However, I am now being told that these do not exist.   

Though the skin in this area is a higher quality, and I am considerably flatter, I am just baffled that I have gained 2 jean sizes.  I thought for sure that this would be a positive change in my life.  Instead, I feel as if things are just worse.  I did all this work for nothing, and I now consider myself to be freakish looking.  

Did anyone else experience a gain in their jean/pants size?  The rest of my pants are too big in the waist, but (of course) just right in the legs.  

I appreciate any help that can be offered.

 Thanks - Denise

on 8/2/14 3:55 am

I am 6 1/2 weeks out and can not zipper my pants.  I have some swelling and am sure that my pants will fit again.  I did go up in inches in waist and hip but in the last few days I am close to my pre surgerical measurements.  I don't think I will be changing in size at all.  I am just firmer and I think my clothes will be fitting better.  I don't think everybody lose a dress size or two. (I had a lower body lift with anchor cuts and muscle tighting.}

on 8/2/14 5:05 am

Hi Chris -

Thank you for your response.  I appreciate you taking the time.  

I wish I had thought to take pre-surgical measurements. I did weigh myself and asked for the amount that was taken off. The doctor took just about 4 lbs. of skin. There was no fat left for her to take. I am still swelling from time to time. I am within a couple of pounds of what the new target weight should be. However, I am wondering about the hips, as you had mentioned. In the past few days, I have thought perhaps I had gained inches in the hip area.  


I realize not everyone loses a size, but I shouldn't be going from a size 10 in my jeans to a size 14, which is what has happened.  I am still too sore to even wear them.  It feels as if I have traded "thin clothes" for "fat clothes".  Everything else is either the same or a little bigger, including my shirts.  However, this just has be completely stumped.

My PS' office had initially gotten a thigh lift approved as well to be done at a later date.  They have "lost" the authorization.  I am now worried that I will be stuck like this - a smaller waist (in theory) with disproportionately large thighs.  What a nightmare!  

I was just starting to get used to the new me, but now I am being told that the other surgeries may never happen (thighs, arms and breasts).  I am really just sinking into a hole of despair.  I look in the mirror, and all I see staring back is a freak.

on 8/2/14 9:49 am

you are probably still swollen...........I would give it a few more weeks.  The surgeon can get the re-auth from the insurance co.  They will have the approval in there computer system.  I have read that that there is usually not a weight change if skin is just taken off. Of course, if you have large amount of skin like 20 pds, I imagine there would be.  I don't plan on seeing a difference in the scale and I have not seen a different in the scale.e  My surgeon doesn't weight the skin that he takes off so I don't know how much skin was taken off.

on 8/3/14 8:30 am - Indianapolis, IN

I had total body lift and was told to expect to loose 4 pants sizes. I was a 14 on 3/31/1. He removed 15 lbs of skin (I lost 300 lbs) and i woke up a size 20. Can you say mad? Dr said swelling could last 9 mons to a year. Swelling has stopped and now iI am in 14 again. It is tight at end of day. I didntdidn't loose any pants size as of yet. He says could take up to year. Haven't gained weight...lost 15 lbs...big bulge in front of stomach that wasn't there before...very dissapointed so far...looks likI have a butt in the front due to stitch line.


on 8/4/14 9:37 am

I went into PS in size 9 jeans, took 3 months to be able to get back into them.  Still a size 9, but they fit so much better w/o all the extra skin and my muffin top is gone.  My hips are 37", I'll never be a size 4. 

HW/225 - 5'1" ~ SW/205/after surgery 215 ~ CW/145~ BMI-25.8~Normal BMI 132 ~DS Dr Rabkin 4/17/08
Plastics in Monterrey - See Group on OH Dr Sauceda Jan 13, 2011
LBL, BL, small thigh lift, arms & a full facelift on 1/17/11
UBL 1/21/13
Love my Body by Sauceda

on 8/10/14 2:58 pm

Thank you all for your responses.  Unfortunately, as it relates to the authorizations, they seem to be truly lost.  I have had to retain an attorney to get the doctor's office to work a little harder at getting these authorizations back.

My understanding is now their legal team is involved in trying to get these already authorized procedures re-authorized with the insurance.  They re-submitted for the breast surgery, as the health plan had authorized it under the wrong code.  It was denied on Thursday.

What a mess!  I feel so overwhelmed by all of it.  Oh...and to add insult to injury, I was informed that I now have a rather large and obstructive kidney stone.  I realize that is unrelated, but it accounts for all the pain that I have been blaming on the abdominoplasty!  

I can't find pants.  I'm just so depressed. I don't really know where to go from here.  Now I have to appeal a denial for a procedure that I was previously told was authorized.  

I really do appreciate the responses.  It makes me feel a lot better that I am not the only person who ended up in a larger size or had to wait a long time just to get back into the size they were at.  It gives me hope and makes me feel a little more normal.

Thank you again!


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