lower body lift

on 7/1/14 10:08 pm - Albuquerque, NM
VSG on 04/24/12

Good Morning All,

I haven't been to the forum in so so long. I will be having a lower body lift 7/7/14. I was wondering has anyone tried experal for pain? Do you feel it helped? Also, if you'd have a lower body lift would you do it again? I'm so concerned about the pain! The recovery. Hope all goes well. I am tired of the skin!!! I want to wear shorts!!! Hahha thanks 

HW: 351 Pre-op: 272  Current: 140.7 Goal:160      M1:14 M2:14  M3:11  M4:10 M5:10  M6:12  M7:8  M8:6 M9: 6 M10:7 M11: 6 M12: 4 M13: 5 M14:7 M15: 4 M16: 3 M17: 1   M18: 4

"Glory lies in the attempt to reach one's goal and not in reaching it." - Gandhi


on 7/1/14 11:11 pm - TX
VSG on 10/08/12

I had LBL 9 weeks ago, I think?  I don't know what was injected into my stomach muscles, but if it really does help, I would have hated to know what my abs would have felt like without it.  I was under for over 8 hours (LBL with BA/BL), so I had some fluid build up in my lungs and had to cough when I woke up from surgery.  It was HELL, but it's not everlasting.  It hurts then it passes once you stop doing whatever it is that caused it.  They will give you a little pillow to press into your tummy for when you need to cough, sneeze, laugh, etc, most likely.  My issue with that in the hospital is that I could barely move my arms because of the breast work.  In all honesty, it was seriously painful even on a pain pump, but I wanted to get up and get moving even with the pain.  I can't stand being confined to a bed, and I really hate being in hospitals.  It didn't feel great when I was back at home, but I was able to do most things by myself (go to the bathroom, make myself something small to eat). I made absolutely sure to take my Percocet and Soma like clockwork, and I think that helped a lot.  I also heal very quickly (ie my surgeon for both WLS and plastics were amazed at my recovery), so I know I'm not typical. 

Would I do it again?  In a heart beat.  I have never in my life felt so fantastic about my body.  I actually look better naked than clothed.  I would take scars over my sad, stretched out tummy any day.  The pain was absolutely nothing in comparison to the joy I feel about my body now.  Seriously. 


on 7/2/14 1:53 am - CA

IDK what Experel is, so I can't help there.

As to your other questions:

1.  Yes, I'd do it again, BUT know that a LBL will not really do much for your inner thighs if they are an issue.  I knew that going in and while the results in my outer thighs/hips are dramatic, my inner things basically look exactly the same.  Also, my butt is totally flat.  Now that I can start exercise again, I know where I'll be focusing my energy!

2.  The pain was also my biggest concern.  The first time they got me up to use the restroom sucked.  Once I could take an oral painkiller, it was MUCH better.  They do give you good drugs, and you should take them as needed.  After the first week or so I was able to switch to Tylenol mainly, and now I don't need anything at all except once in a while at night.  You are pretty numb, too, so once the initial soreness passes it's really just skin stretching and wound soreness (which goes away as you heal).  I'm 4 weeks out today and while I'm not back to "normal" I feel pretty good.

So, if you have realistic expectations, I think you'll do great.  My stomach looks a ZILLION times better--I even bought a bikini, and I'm still pretty swollen.  Yesterday my surgeon's staff took some preliminary "after" shots and my legs are much improved, but I still have saggy inner thighs all the way down to my knees.  While I'm glad I did the lbl, I don't think I'll bother with my thighs because: 1) I am almost 40, and 2) I find the recovery time/physical limitations so annoying I'm not sure it would be worth it.  Were I younger, I would probably go ahead and do it.  For now I'm hoping the rest of me looks good enough that no one will pay attention to my thighs. :)

Note:  I had a BL/aug at the same time, which probably contributed to the discomfort b/c I also couldn't use my arms, which made getting up difficult.

Sarah, VSG Dr. Cirangle--12/28/12, HW: 265 SW: 253 GW: 130???

on 7/2/14 3:07 am - TX

First, let me start off with yes, I'd do it again.  The difference is just night and day.

My recovery was harder than expected.  Not from the incision, which was numb, but from the muscle repair, which was extremely painful.  My muscles had long been separated and they were not happy about being reunited.  My age may have something to do with it as well (I'm 56).  Take your drugs, and rest assured that it'll pass.....and looking down at a flat stomach makes it all worthwhile.

on 7/2/14 5:40 am


I had a lower body left with an incision down the middle of my tummy to give me more of a waist 15 days ago.  I spent a night in the hospital and could of stayed another but really didn't feel like I needed to.  I live alone and have been caring for myself.  I have been doing laundry for the past week, picking up after my dog, grocery shopping and endless drives to the doc for drains.  I have been out to dinner at 7 days out, baseball game at 10 days out.  I felt like I could have gone back to work about 5 days ago.

I was in pain for about 4 days where I took perc. around the clock and then took vic. at the end of the day for next couple of days.  I have not had any pain meds in the last 7 days.

I am swollen like a sausage most of the time.  I can say that I am uncomfortable to very uncomfortable 3/4 of the time but not from pain from the swelling.  It kind of feels like my inner stuff doesn't have enough room.  3 drains were removed after a week.  I have a 4 drain that is still in and draining like crap.   I am having a breast lift and implants next Wed.

I am having a very emotional day today.  Although, I am pleased with the results so far ............it is not as wonderful (I am not as skinny as I thought I would be) results as I dream it would be.  I am still not Barbie.  I do realize that I am very swollen. 

This is not as bad as I thought it was going to be.  Actually, it's been a piece of cake.  I have plans to have my inner thighs dne in 4 weeks and breast and arms next week.  I hope it is as easy, too.

BTW, I am 50 years of age.  (I had a neck fusion of my C-5 and C-6 last, that I was much more harder to recover from last summer.)

Hope this helps

on 7/2/14 7:23 am

FYI, I had the tummy tighten.

on 7/3/14 2:38 am - Gilbert, AZ

So much depends on your health when having surgery and of course your surgeon.  I am 60 years old and am in good health.  My surgeon told me I should not experience any pain with the surgery, I thought he was kidding, but to my surprise after having a LBL with full muscle tighting and also having a medial thigh lift, I did not have any pain.  I was off all pain medication by day 7 when I traveled home.  I went back to work at two weeks, took things slow and I would say by week 6 I was back to my old self...I am week 7 now and continue to wear my stage 2 garment to avoid any swelling.  When I asked my surgeon why I didn't experience any pain he told me it's all in how the surgeon handles the tissues during surgery.  I don't know about that, but it seems to have worked for me...


on 7/3/14 11:18 am
Mini Gastric Bypass on 12/27/12

Truly, everyone's experience is different. I had LBL four weeks ago tomorrow and I've had a pretty easy time of it. I would describe the pain (I was horribly worried about the pain, too) more as discomfort. I never had to take my pain meds around the clock. I'm still not 100% when it comes to energy, discomfort, and surgeon-imposed exercise restriction, but I'm in remarkably good shape. This week I've had my 5 year old granddaughter visiting from out of town--staying all week at my house without her parents--and I've traipsed around the very hilly St. Louis Zoo, Magic House, and Six Flags. I've endured a BBQ and a pool party (not cleared at the time to swim) and tomorrow I'm hosting a 4th of July BBQ for friends and family. I get tired, but nothing a nap with the grandbaby and a good night's sleep doesn't fix. Today I had a follow-up appointment with my PS. I have some muscle soreness around my new belly button (which is adorable, btw, and perfectly centered on my FLAT tummy ;-), but my surgeon said my incisions could not look any better and he cleared me to swim. He did warn me not to overdo it because my insides are still healing. It's been hard to take it easy though, because I feel so good. Sending thoughts of peace and healing your way!



on 7/6/14 9:49 pm - Albuquerque, NM
VSG on 04/24/12

Thanks all so much!!! Here we go I'm gonna do it!!! I'm such a baby when it comes to pain!!!

HW: 351 Pre-op: 272  Current: 140.7 Goal:160      M1:14 M2:14  M3:11  M4:10 M5:10  M6:12  M7:8  M8:6 M9: 6 M10:7 M11: 6 M12: 4 M13: 5 M14:7 M15: 4 M16: 3 M17: 1   M18: 4

"Glory lies in the attempt to reach one's goal and not in reaching it." - Gandhi


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