Tummy Tuck recovery questions

on 2/24/14 3:30 am - Mountain Brook, AL

Hi all,


I am schedule to have a tummy tuck on March 4th... Super soon. I'm starting to get a little nervous. They're taking out my right ovary at the same time.


I am very active, workout 6 days a week, teach spin classes, etc and I'm worried about how long it will take me to get back to teaching and working out. Additionally, I'm worried about gaining weight since I'll be stuck in bed. I'm going to keep my diet very strict, but it seems like weight gain is inevitable. Any suggestions?


I've heard recovery is tough... which makes me nervous. But it's worth it, right??

on 2/24/14 4:30 am

What kind of TT are you having? I had an anchor cut with no muscle tightening and honestly it took me a month to feel normal again. I do Bikram, hike, and resistance training. I am not crazy active but I would say at least 6 days a week. I also prepared in advance eating very clean and lots of protein and supplements. I was still very surprised how much it hurt and how long it took me to recover. Everyone is different but since you are so active you might be accustom to eating more calories because you burn so much. Just keep it in mind when you are recovering you need protein but dont over do it. And be prepared for the possibility of depression after. I was used to be out and about and being home so much and not being myself really took a toll on me and I started doubting my surgery, how I looked, etc... Just keep yourself busy and remember that your body changes so much in the weeks after surgery. I am finally all settled 7 months out and I had to have a small in office revision. Good luck, if you need something else let me know!

Start weight: 320
At surgery:  300
Current:      185
Goal:           175

on 2/24/14 9:04 pm - Mountain Brook, AL

Thanks for the advice. I am having a normal abdominoplasty with muscle tightening. I feel like I will be depressed too.. I remember after WLS feeling miserable because I was stuck at home! 

My dr said no teaching spin for 4 weeks. He even said I could be working on my computer the next day. Is he giving me false hope?? Why did you have to have a revision? Thanks again!

on 2/25/14 12:21 am

To be honest I was on pain pills for the first week and slept most of the time there was no way I would trust myself to work. But I deal with sensitive information and technically I am forbidden while on medication. I did not have the all the way around TT I just did the front so on my right side there was some puckering I would imagine it must be hard to make it completely flat and the  left side was but the right had a bit of a pucker and bulge and I developed an opening at my T (middle of my belly below belly button) which is common so it kind of puckered as it healed. He shot me up with numbing meds in office (that hurt the most) and trimmed it all up, it looks awesome now!! 

Start weight: 320
At surgery:  300
Current:      185
Goal:           175

on 2/24/14 4:33 am - TX

I think recovery largely depends on how much repair is done to your muscles.  That's where the pain is.  That's what keeps you hunched over.  Don't expect to be cleared for any kind of hard exercise until 6-8 weeks out.  There's too much risk of hernia.  You may gain weight immediately after the surgery - don't panic!  You've essentially been skinned, and your body is rushing fluid to the area to heal.  It'll come off, and you're likely to lose a few pounds from your metabolism being revved from the healing process.  I'm not saying go wild with eating post-surgery, but up your protein, again to promote healing.

Yes, I thought the recovery was tough.  It went on much longer that I expected.  And yes, it was worth it!

on 2/24/14 9:05 pm - Mountain Brook, AL

I am having my muscles tightened, but my dr said I should be able to teach spin after 4 weeks... Sounds kind of crazy after reading what everyone has to say here. I am so nervous!! I hope it all goes well. 

Thanks for the advice and comforting words!

on 2/24/14 10:58 pm - TX

You may be "able" to do it. It's another question whether you'll be comfortable. Using the computer - sure. You'll be fuzzy from the pain meds, but you'll be functioning. I was able to take care of myself. But really performing at a spin class four weeks out?  I have my doubts. 

But there are people who waltzed through their tuck. Minimal pain.  Not a lot of swelling. Keep your fingers crossed that you're one of the lucky ones!

MyLady Heidi
on 2/25/14 3:29 pm

If you are getting muscle tightening done with your tt it is unlikely you will gain weight although maybe you will since you workout and will  be stopped for a while.  I never worked out, I paid my ps for nice tight abs, so much easier.  The recovery isn't a big deal, you swell, it's annoying and you get on with your life.  I don't baby myself after surgery so I walked in my neighborhood and did whatever I felt like doing, I was off work for 12 days before I returned to 50+ hours a week.

on 2/25/14 11:20 pm

I think recovery was tough, but it is the best thing I have ever done. I had to put many activities on hold, but just remember, you will heal. Some people heal faster than others. Just go at your own pace. Your body will let you know what it can or can not do. Smile!

on 3/1/14 12:05 am - Honolulu, HI

It's so worth it - just think in a few days all that skin will be gone!  I've had a lot of plastic surgery and encourage people to take the pain meds as long as you need them but remember pain meds can cause constipation which is the last thing you want after a TT - ask your doctor about a stool softener.  Since you are so active your core should be strong so getting in and out of bed will be easier for you but don't rush your body has a lot of healing to do.  It took 4 weeks for me to be able to start back with Pilates but you can and should start walking right away - start off with short distances.  One last thing that helped me a lot.  When you're in bed put a pillow under you thighs to elevate them - eliminates some on the tension on your abdominal  muscles.  Good luck. I'm sure by mid-march you'll be very happy with your decision.

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