Is spring break enough time to recover from Abdominoplasty?

on 12/30/12 12:52 pm

I need to just get a consult, but I'm getting married in July and thinking about having my TT and possibly a BA too before that time.  One of my break times is spring break (10 days) and if I could schedule the surgery on the Thursday or Friday before and then not go bac****il the a week after the next Monday, I wonder if that's enough recovery time.  I've read that recovery is about 2 weeks.  

Secondly, I recently read that you'd want to get a BA when you do the TT because of  boob "pulling down" for lack of a better phrase.  Is this true?

on 12/31/12 3:45 am - grand rapids, MI

Are you a teacher and will be on your feet when you go back to work? If you are and will then I'd say 2 weeks isn't enough time. If you have a desk job maybe but might still be pushing it. As for the BA depends on your surgeon. Are you having a lift done as well or just the BA. My surgeon wouldn't do the combo together as w/ the BL/BA and LBL (or even TT) he felt I would be under too long.

on 12/31/12 4:19 am

I'm in lawschool and so will be sitting in a couple classes a day.  I would want the TT and maybe BA, but no BL.  I'm getting married in July, and honeymooning (on a beach) thereafter.  If I want it before the wedding, I figure Spring Break is my only good opportunity.  May will be 3 years since my VSG and -126lbs.  

on 12/31/12 4:58 am - grand rapids, MI

Wow, law school. Personally for me I wouldn't do it w/ just that short of time. That's a lot of surgery you're talking about. Not only will sitting in school chairs be hard you will still be tired from the anesthesia and pain meds so studying may be an issue. I know I went to dinner and a move at 2 weeks out after doing nothing all day and barely made it thru. Even going back to work at 4 weeks was hard. I would go home from work at 5 and not do a thing until I got up the next day for work. That lasted until about week 6 then things really started to feel like normal again.

I understand wanting to get it done before you get married and go on your honeymoon but law school is a big investment as well and I'd hate to see you miss to much and get behind due to the surgery. Also you don't want to push your recovery to much and risk your health.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 12/31/12 6:07 am, edited 12/31/12 6:07 am - OH

It definitely took me more than 10 days to recover from mine.  I was off work four weeks (my surgeon insisted on 3 and preferred 4).  Even when I went back to work, I still struggled to stay upright when walking.

No, a tummy tuck does not pull the skin on your breasts down. Not at all.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Brooke F.
on 12/31/12 7:24 am - CA
I couldn't stand upright at 10 days, that's for sure. I was still in a fair amount of pain and could barely find clothes to wear around the house let alone to exit the house! I didn't return to my work for 6 weeks and even then it was part time and I was exhausted!!! Also something in the painkiller or anti vomit patch or something screwed with my vision causing me to have blurred vision for .weeks.
on 12/31/12 7:46 am

Wow all these recovery stories sound pretty awful.  And I've been looking at some scars.  Is everyone actually happy with their surgery?  My god 6 weeks off of work?!  

Brooke F.
on 12/31/12 8:05 am - CA
I ended up with necrosis and my tummy still has an open wound even though my surgery was in October. My job is physical so I wasn't going to risk going back too soon and injuring myself. I am still dressing my wound twice daily and am told it could still take months to completely heal up. Not what I was expecting when I signed up for a tummy tuck but it is what it is and so I'm dealing with it. I stay hopeful and know it *will* heal it just takes time.
on 12/31/12 12:34 pm

I had my abdominoplasty on a Thursday --- and took off the following week, went back that next  Monday to my desk job.

I sat for 8 hours a day -- working on the computer.

I was 53 years old ---- so, barring complications, I would think that you would be able to go back to sitting in class and taking notes 10 days post-op.

However, I would also hate to have the money and time invested in a semester of law school --- and have any type of complication, and not be able to finish.

My doctor does a technique that does not require drains -- so I did not have to deal with those --- some people here still have drains in at 10 days post-op ----- and that might complicate your ability to dress and sit comfortably for a few hours at a time.

I had a Breast lift -- but that was a separate surgery (2 years ago when I had my arms and breasts done at the same time).

I am thrilled with all of my results ---- but, it is not an easy surgery or process --- the abdominoplasty is MUCH harder a recovery than the WLS surgery was.


Brooke F.
on 12/31/12 8:10 am - CA
and to answer your question....I'm very happy with my surgery. I'm glad to have
my excess skin .gone. I'm thrilled with my new shape and can't get enough of the reflection in the mirror and seeing the new me!
For me, my boobs look bigger without the extra stomach saggy boob job but sure *looks* like I had one! *bonus*
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