DILEMNA-still in hospital (Socialised Medicine)- could go home

on 9/6/12 5:49 am - Israel
I guess debridement and stitching worked on Yucky/Righty and now Lefty is opening.
Being that I live alone in a high-rise building and would have to ask others to dress my boobs (cream in front of a mirror I could do) which most of my friend's are ultra-religious Jews and very modest, thus finding help with dressings on nude boobs,scars and gross is an ordeal. I don't trust the nurse at my HMO as in the past she changes the dressing protocol from what the PS clinic recommended.
But the docs are letting me stay in hospital longer.
How crazy am I that I prefer the emotional/medical safety of the hospital over being home with my own bed, recliner and TV?
I love watching my dvr shows and in hospital I refuse to pay $8 a day for a TV!
I have many friends against any surgery so of course they are against my having had plastics and now complications-nor would these same friends be able to help with dressings...
IF YOU LIVED ALONE AND HAD SOCIALIZED MEDICINE-- would you go home to the comforts of your home and privacy or stay in hospital from hopefully proper medical attention???
Mikimi in Israel
Kim S.
on 9/6/12 7:07 am - Helena, AL
In your exact situation, I'd probably do exactly what you are doing.

Bottom line-you have to do what is best for you.  Period.

Take care, get rest, and heal quickly!!

on 9/6/12 7:35 am - Senatobia, MS

I would stay and take advantage of the care that I am receiving.  Your DVR shows will still be there when you get back home.  Wishing you good healing.


Starting Wt 306; Losing Wt 155; Goal Wt 145: Regain Wt 225; Current Wt 157
PS:  FDL Tummy Tuck, Hernia Repair 5/17/12, TT Revision, Butt and Thigh Lift 4/18/13

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