I got a date

on 8/20/12 4:56 pm - Ocala, FL
I've been lurking here occasionally but haven't had the opportunity to post until now. I had a rather complicated weight loss surgery journey- started with a band, had an erosion, had a lot of procedures to save my life, and now I have a weird stomach that is slightly smaller than it was, somewhat like a sleeve (but mine looks like a hurricane, and its bigger than a sleeve). 

I wanted to have PS for all the skin around my stomach, but because of my financial situation and the trauma of all my surgeries, I put it off for awhile. I'm now almost 4 years post-op. I'm having surgery with Stephen Metzinger in New Orleans. I'm getting the skin from my stomach removed, lipo and muscle tightening of the abdominal wall. The surgery date is December 6.

I've heard that having PS is way more painful than the original weight loss procedure, but I'm hoping its not too overwhelming. my first procedure was nothing, but all the complications led to some pretty painful stuff.

I hope I'm ready too- my weight is still "fluctuating" sorta. I have about a 15-20 lb range that I stay within, but I fight within that and have since about 2 months after surgery. I don't think I'm ever going to plateau more than I am now, and my doctor seemed to think that I was stable enough. Did any of y'all experience this? I want to weight the lesser end of that range when I have surgery but I guess the higher in is what I'd truly "equal out to" if I wasn't putting a lot of work into it.

anyway, just wondering about that and wanted to introduce myself. excited to get to know people on here again

As someone told me lately, everyone deserves the chance to fly!
on 8/21/12 2:11 pm - Westchester, NY
 Hi Ann

I had a LBL when I was not at goal. Although I need a revision of the sides and back now that I have lost more, the stomach area in front needs no revision to speak of. Not everyone is the same, but as long as you are not a perfectionist, if the stomach area bothers you to any large extent and you want to get rid of it, you might as well do it if you're talking about a difference of 15-20 lbs. I don't think it will make that much of a difference.

Just my opinion.  And welcome!


Marla a/k/a Feistyemm
Surgery Date: 4/21/2005; HW: 333/ SW: 271/ CW:133/ GOAL: 150 or UNDER

Highest BMI: 54.7; BMI Now: 22.6 -- Jeans before surgery: 32. Now: 6
PS: 2006/7 LBL, Bracheoplasty & Upper Thigh Lift. 8/2012: UBackLift & Breast Implants
(redone 3 times). 7/17/18: vertical thigh lift (needs to be redone - left too much skin) &
replacement of 1 breast implant due to rupture (still needs to be fixed due to placement).

on 8/21/12 6:23 pm - Ocala, FL
thanks Marla, that's nice to hear!
As someone told me lately, everyone deserves the chance to fly!
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