What do I need to help me during my recovery?

Penny V.
on 8/14/12 12:20 pm - Orleans, MA
I am having a lower body and medial thigh lift on 8/29. Getting excited and nervous.

I am wondering what items people have found most helpful to get them through their recovery.

I have 2 weeks to prepare and would like to have as many items on hand as I can.

I am looking forward to responses.

Thank you, all!!
on 8/14/12 5:11 pm
 When I had my tummy tuck, I relied on a rented remote controlled recliner.  It was wonderful.

I threw an old sheet over it in and hunkered down with several pillows and made it my nest for a few weeks.

I also relied on my walking stick to help myself stand up independently.  My husband was a big help, but I was up by myself the first night that way.

Food items ....stocked the fridge with Popsicles and soups and easy to eat items.  I wanted to be able to grab and et back to the recliner for the first few days.

Right beside me, I had a basket for remote controls, lip balm, medications, lotion, my iPod and chargers and some simple knitting.

My sleep pattern got messed up a bit, so it was nice to be able to wake and have something busy to do.

on 8/15/12 7:25 am

I also had a remote control recliner could not have done it without it. I also had a grasper, reacher thing which saved my life. I couldn't bend completely over and if I dropped something I could get it. I also found that my tastes changed and nothing I usually ate I liked so I would reccomend having a variety of liquids because you don't want to get dehydrated. Your body also gets very sore from the limited positions you can be in so make sure you have lots of pillows you can use to prop yourself up and reposition yourself.

Hw 348/sw 306/  
Penny V.
on 8/15/12 8:53 am - Orleans, MA
Thanks for your input. I have a remote controlled massaging recliner. I plan to spend a bit of time in it.

Pillows I have.

Will use my husband's cane for walking.

Just ordered my grabber.

Will get pleanty of liquids.

Anybody else have anything else that was helpful?
on 8/15/12 1:23 pm
VSG on 06/04/09 with
I made a video showing all the stuff I used. One thing I left off was those little handles that you squeeze one end and it has a claw on the other...to help pick things up! I didnt have one but should have lol. Here's my video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffGfpSqVNlg
www.youtube.com/kellawanda <---check out my vlog of my progress

VSG 6/4/2009: I'm 5'4",   HW 242,   SW 234,   CW 155.  Size 6 generally.

PS with Dr. Agha 5/14/2012 - LBL, Arm lift, fat transfer to (_:_) 
on 8/15/12 3:07 pm
Here is a web site, I've found, not my Dr. Of course follow your Dr's recommendations, but I found some good info.
I am going to ask my PS for sleeping pills, muscle relaxers for my back, and buy some stool softeners. I bought some Arnica Montana and Bromelain tablets, Tylenol extra strength and some of the items the person above recommended (thank you!) Thinking of getting a toilet seat riser and shower chair and have my computer near with plenty of things to do on it. Good luck on your surgery mine is the 31st. It'll be here soon!
 Mari  Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!
sherry R.
on 8/16/12 7:49 pm
 i had to say the cat is way to cute i love him lol
Your faith is stronger than you think.  - my Mom
Weight: initial-320, , surgery- 291.2 now -205 had baby july 1, 2011 Regained to 242 (due to unemployment)  t goal weight _ what ever it ends at.
on 8/18/12 11:14 pm
Thanks Sherry!!
 Mari  Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!
Shelly C.
on 8/19/12 6:57 pm - Alameda, CA
Hi There,
I had multiple procedures and still have to be in te recliner to sit and sleep, the traveling neck pillow is a must so you don't wake up with kinks in your neck.

Extended Tummy Tuck w lipo/Muscle Repair // BL/Aug // Arm Lift Aug 2012
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