Dr. Steven Smith Knoxville

on 8/8/12 2:30 pm
 Has anyone used him? I'm seriously considering getting plastics there and would like feedback. 


5'6" Start-276 Goal-150  Weight loss   Preop=5  Month 1=25  Month 2=10  Month 3=14  Month 4=3 Month 5=7  Month 6=9 Month 7=7 Month 8=Month 9=9 Month 10=7 Month 11=5 Month 12=5 Month 13=3 Month 14=4    


on 8/13/12 4:06 am - Orange County :), TN
I liked him very much but could not afford his prices. He is easy on the eyes, too.

06/07/12 - Dr. Sauceda LBL, BL/BA, Arm Lift, Fat Transfer and Neck Lift

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