brow/neck/lower face lift - Day 13 PICS

on 6/27/12 12:05 pm
Pics are on my profile (open to all).  Overally I'm happy, especially with the brow lift.  I'm still pretty swollen in the jaw/chin - it is hard to the touch there.  PS says can take a few weeks to resolve the swelling.  Even there, though, it is a big improvement.  Before I had a huge turkey waddle - now with the swelling it looks like a little chubby *****which is an improvement), and I know as the swelling goes it is just going to continue to improve. 

on 6/27/12 12:50 pm
Just realized my profile wasn't open.  Now it should be!
on 6/27/12 4:51 pm
 Wow!! That is AMAZING! You have every reason to be happy, you look at least 10 years younger!! You're making ME want a face lift!! Where were the incisions?
"The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution." -Bertrand Russell
5'9 HW: 297 GW: 160 CW: 161
on 6/27/12 9:47 pm
Thanks!  The incisions go from sideburns around (and into) the ears and around the back of the ears and then along the hairline for a few inches.  I was prepared for the long incisions - ahead of time the PS told me I had a lot of skin on the neck and he would have to continue down in back a little farther than normal to get a good result.  He took over an inch off of each side.  Also, there's an incision under my chin.  It has completely healed and is almost totally flat.
on 6/28/12 1:46 am - Levittown, PA
You look amazing!!!! Congrats!!!!!!

on 6/28/12 9:18 am
Wow!  Thank you so much!
on 6/28/12 1:58 am - Fort Lee, NJ
All I can say is wow!!  You look young, beautiful and so happy :)
on 6/28/12 9:22 am
Thank you!  I am tremendously happy.  I was so nervous about having my face touched (you know - good plastic surgery is great, but when a face lift isn't good it really isn't good).  But, I did my homework to choose the surgeon, said a prayer ("Please dear Lord don't let me look weird at the end of this!") and it all was just fine.  I did the face first because it was the one thing I couldn't hide.  My breasts get a lot of help from a good bra, Spanx sucks in the tummy, sleeves cover the upper arms, but there was no hiding that turkey waddle!
MyLady Heidi
on 6/28/12 4:15 am
You look wonderful, cannot even tell you had anything done except maybe shave off 20 years from your age!
on 6/28/12 9:23 am
Thank you!  You are so sweet - you always have the nicest comments for everybody!
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