Medical review at 13:00 today Israeli time

on 3/5/12 2:41 pm - Israel
I'm on the bus now-about three hours bus ride and then another bus and short walk to hospital where the medical review will be. The appointment lasts 2-5 minutes as most of the paperwork was faxed in November but I have a few documents that are newer. The answer is sent within two weeks time.
This is for mastopexy (I'm not interested in enlargement) and scar revision on TT areas. I already have a surgery date for mid-May. Of course I have not done any medical tests (bloods,EKG,chest Xray****il I get the approval. I have window-shopped on sports bra but will not buy until I get the approval.
Mikimi in Israel
on 3/5/12 7:50 pm
 Mikimi, I hope to wish you mazel tov in the near future!

on 3/5/12 11:13 pm
Good luck to you..I hope you get the approval.  Keep us posted.

My weight loss journey                                                    
on 3/6/12 3:20 am
 Fingers are crossed for you. Hope to hear good news soon. 
on 3/6/12 8:59 am
 Good luck Mimi!  Hoping it all goes well.
     HW-345,SW-300, CW-144lbs.  DS 5/11/10. 
     First round of plastics with Dr. LoMonaco 11/8/11  LBL, BL. 14lbs of skin removed.
     2nd round with Dr. LoMonaco 2/8/12 Brachioplasty, Thigh lift,  Breast Implants.
Lee ~
on 3/6/12 1:10 pm - CA
Best of luck Mikimi!
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